Swimming with sharks on Fiji

Sunday 15 th of October 2017 and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 5 o'clock. Tea, smoked salmon and camembert cheese in my room. Breakfast included in the room, but I doubtFiji Travel Posterthat the hotel breakfast will do my diet any good.

I have, after several e-mails found out that pick up time is at 8 o'clock in the morning. Then we will go to Denarau Marina to take the boatAwesome Adventures Fijifrom there. The service from Awesome Adventures Fiji and the Barefoot collection is next to non-existent.

I have paid extra for two private snorkelling tours and a guided walk to the summit to look for birds. I have asked for a itinerary for a veryBarefoot Collectionlong time now, but nothing.

But first of all I need to get to the reception to check out from Westin. A good morning drama I had not expected when I booked my room at Westin. Now I had to carry all my luggage in the tropical heat. I was in the reception at 7 thirty so I had to kill 30 minutes while waiting for my pick up.

After several e-mails I had managed to get an answer, pick up 8 o'clock. Now it was 20 minutes before 8 and I get a e-mail from Barefoot Collection, now it is 07:15-07:30. I was sitting at the entrance for 30 minutes when the lovely and helpful lady from Rosie Travel came running. RosieSnorkelling on FijiTravel have nothing to do with my tour, but they were very helpful.
- That was your bus!

So I had to go by taxi and I made it to the boat just in time. It will take 2 hours to get to Barefoot Kuata Island. I stepped on board and I had my last sip from my Pepsi MAX bottle. I went to buy a bottle in the bar but they didn't open until after departure and the safety information. And they only had Coca Cola products so I decided to go for a bottle of water.

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Walking to the boat

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Walking to the boat

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Waiting for departure

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
Leaving Denarau Marina behind

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
Passing White faced herons on the mudflats

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
Nadi disappears in the horizon

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
We make the first stop

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
Passengers are coming and going with the small boat

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
New visitors to the island

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
We leave again

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
Yasawa Flyer route map - Click HERE for full size

Yasawa Flyer time table

The boat goes from Nadi and they make stop at different islands and resorts. The deliver visitors and supplies like food etc. The end station is at Safe Landing Resort on Nacula Island. About 4 and a half to 5 hours from Nadi. We will stop at Kuata Island, 2nd of 3rd stop, about 2 hours from Nadi.

So we stop outside the resorts and they have a small boat to transport the visitors between shore and the Yasawa Flyer. And yes, the boat's name is Yasawa Flyer. We pass a few small islands looking like they are made out of sand. We see big islands in the horizon and the first of these islands is Kuata Island where I will get off.

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
We pass another island

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
Waiting for new visitors at another resort

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
We leave the last island before Kuata behind

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
Next stop Kuata behind

Awesome Adventures Fiji - Yasawa Flyer
Next stop Kuata behind

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Going ashore at Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Welcome to Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Many passengers coming ashore at Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Neighbour Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Welcome to Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Welcome to Kuata Island

We were too many passengers for the two boat they send so I had to go in the last boat with a girl and two staff members. We had to come around a rock where they had put a guy in traditional Fiji clothing. The sea got choppy when we came around the rock to approach the resort. Of course, as on all the other island we had passed, there was a welcoming party with what seems to be the obligatory guitar player.

We had been instructed to scream “BULA” when the song was over. So we screamed “BULA” so they must have heard it back in Nadi. Sand beach, my favourite. Walking up the beach and I have sand everywhere. But it was only a short walk up to the reception

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Coming ashore on Kuata Island
Barefoot Kuata Resort
Outside the reception

Barefoot Kuata Resort
Reception staff

Stepping in to the reception and I discovered first thing that they sold ice cream, they didn't had the “honey special” so I had my old hangover favourite “ALMOND” and a bottle of water.

I was sitting in the reception talking with the very nice lady working there. They had noSwimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Islandinformation on when I was going on my private shark swim.

We completed the paper work and when I had finished my water and ice cream they took me to my room. I'm pretty sure I had booked a room so I was surprised when they showed me to a tent.

It was a beautiful tent and I was happy over the “upgrade” First time ever I'm happy over a hotel room upgrade. When they offer you a hotel room upgrade be careful. The two first time it happened to me I was very happy for the offer. Today I always say no because it means they try to dump a room on you that no one wants to live in.

Anyway, I was very happy with my tent and I set up my IT centre first thing when the lady left. I only brought swimming gear coming here as I didn't want to carry any big bag. The lady was surprised.
- This is all you have?
- Yes, I'm a man of small means!
She laughed and she said that this was the way to travel.

Barefoot Kuata Resort
My tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
My tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
My tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
My tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
My tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
Bathroom behind the tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
Bathroom behind the tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
Bathroom behind the tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
Bathroom behind the tent

Barefoot Kuata Resort
Swimming pool area

Barefoot Kuata Resort
I go to the bar to buy water

Barefoot Kuata Resort

Barefoot Kuata Resort

I went to buy water in the bar, and as I was hungry there was a pack of Oreo coming back with me to the tent. Lunch at 1 o'clock, buffet and it was good. I had an afternoon nap and I went forGood breaddinner at 7 thirty, excellent food and the best homemade bread I have had in a very very long time.

Shark swim tomorrow morning at 8 thirty so I was excited going to bed. Click HERE to find out if we find any sharks tomorrow.

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