Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand


I will collect you from your Auckland hotel and drive you the 60km or so up to Gulf Harbour where we will get on the ferry, along the way we will look for Banded rail and will also have a slim chance of the very elusive Spotless crake. From the ferry we will have aWrybill Birding Tourschance of a couple of endemic seabirds---Fluttering shearwater, and Bullers shearwater.

When we get to the island we will look for some of the rarest birds in the world including Stitchbird, N I Saddleback, N I Kokako, Takahe, and Brown teal, as well as Red-crowned parakeet, Whitehead, NZ pigeon, N I Robin . I am confident of finding most of those,

FERRY BOOKING Please book ferry tickets for you and I, as soon as you can as sometimes they sell out. The ferry company is 360 Discovery and their website is in that name. They will ask you to pay for them at the time you book and they will accept credit card. Please remember to book us to get on the ferry at 9.50am at GULF HARBOUR----NOT downtown Auckland. There is only one ferry crossing each day [the website may show the ferry leaving at 9am but that's when it leaves Auckland ---by the time it gets to Gulf Harbour it is usually 9.50]

Wednesday 25 th of October 2017 and my Guide called me when I was on the way down in the elevator. I stepped out and I spotted a guy with a binocular.
- Are you calling me?

We were soon on the way to Gulf Harbour where we will take the 360 Discovery ferry to Tiritiri Matangi Island. Tiritiri Matangi Island is also called Tiri as it is way shorter and easier to say. The 360 Discovery ferry departs from Auckland at 09:00 but we will join the ferry in Gulf Harbour at 09:50. My Guide have planned to have a look for a few birds at the Shakespeare Regional Park just outside Gulf Harbour.

Same as on Tawharanui Regional Park. The Peninsula is blocked by a 1 meter high wall. The birds on New Zealand, many of them by now extinct don't have any enemies. The only predator they know of is the bird of prey. So they look up but they are not afraid of any mammals as there is no mammals on New Zealand. At least not until the Maui arrived here 800 years ago bringing dogs and the Europeans arrived 200 years ago bringing rats, cats etc.

These animals ate all the birds as they were just standing there not afraid as they didn't had any enemies, pretty much like the whales. Anyway, now New Zealand are full of the birds enemies and they have to block the peninsulas and the birds can live there as they have done for thousands of year without having to be attacked by “intoduced” predators.

We hope to see the Banded rail in the Shakespeare Regional Park, or more correct, at the area just before entering the Shakespeare Regional Park, one of the few places where this very shy bird might be seen. So I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwe're get lucky today.

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
We can see the peninsula when we stop to buy lunch

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
We buy lunch at the bakery and MAX in the Mini Mart

We stop at a bakery to buy our lunch. No Pepsi MAX but there was a Superette next door and they had MAX We continued to the Shakespeare Regional Park. We walked through the gate and we spotted a whole lot of birds, but none of the birds we wanted to see. So we got in to the car and we drove back 100 meters or so and we turned in to Bruce Harvey Drive. We drove through some kind of wet land area on the road leading down to the beach.


A Superette is an alternative name for a compact food market "convenience store" or "mini-mart" used in some places, particularly in Hawaii, New York City, Boston, Minnesota, Newfoundland and Labrador, - and the North Island of New Zealand.

We spotted 3 Banded rails almost immediately, a mother and two babies. But darn, they were quick to disappear. There were Black-winged Stilts with babies all over the area. The Black-winged Stilts are very protective of their areas when they have babies so they chase away the Banded rails. So they stay under the bushes.

Black-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt
Called Pied Stilt on New Zealand

Black-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - Baby
Called Pied Stilt on New Zealand

Black-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - Baby
Called Pied Stilt on New Zealand

Black-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt
Called Pied Stilt on New Zealand

We never saw the Banded Rail again and we left the area. We drove towards Gulf Harbour and the ferry to the Tiritiri Matangi Island and we stopped on the beach to see if we could find any interesting birds. We came up with ZIP. There was a sign saying that dogs was not allowed due to the Kiwi birds that might come out in the night.

We went to check out a pond on the way to the ferry but there was nothing worth taking pictures of so we drove down to the marina. We saw a lot of people looking out on the beach and we spotted 3 dolphins swimming just next to the beach. I have never seen Dolphins so close to shore before. We had 20 minutes before the ferry departure so we parked the ca rand we went over to check out the Dolphins.

Looks like most of the passengers are bird watchers. My Guide told me that the Tiritiri Matangi Island is a very popular place for bird watchers as there are many very rare and almost extinct birds on the island. How many will I see today? With my luck I don't keep my hopes high.

We stepped on board and I was soon meeting the American couple that had been with us on the night tour looking for Kiwi birds yesterday.

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
We stop to look for birds at the beach on the way to the ferry

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
We can see down town Auckland form the marina in Gulf Harbour

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
Dolphins very close to the beach

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
Gulf harbour ferry

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
Gulf harbour ferry

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
The ferry arrives from Auckland to pick us up

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
The ferry arrives from Auckland to pick us up

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
The ferry arrives from Auckland to pick us up

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
The ferry arrives from Auckland to pick us up

Gulf harbour, New Zealand
Leaving Gulf Harbour behind

Well, what to say? Me and my Guide had expected to be able to spot a lot of seabirds on the way to Tiritiri Matangi Island but we came up with nothing during the 25 minutes ferry trip. Well, weBirding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New ZealandwillYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully see a lot of birds on the island.

We get off the ferry and all passengers have to wait for some information meeting before we're allowed to continue up on the island. It is a meeting about how we have to behave on the island so it will be a lot of DO's and DON'Ts before we can go to look for the birds.

As soon as we had got the information my Guide and I started to walk up towards the top of the island where they have an old light house and a visitor centre. We stop at the first pond. There were many children on the ferry and there are two options. Walk on the path or on the gravel road. So we waited for the children and they choose the path so we took the gravel road.

Map of Tiritiri Matangi Island from the New Zealand's Department of Conservation can be found HERE . New Zealand's Department of Conservation are the government agency charged with conserving New Zealand’s natural and historic heritage.

Going bird watching on New Zealand? I have been to a few places but so far New Zealand is outstanding regarding information on the internet. There are two organizations that are stickingNew Zealand flagout so far when it comes to information about birds and wildlife/ outdoor living.
Bird information, bird song and maps. Yes, there are excellent trekking maps online so you can plan, or go back after the trek to see where you have been, excellent. I have not been disappointed.

• New Zealand Birds Online

• New Zealand's Department of Conservation Click on “Nature” or just hoover with the mouse over the “Nature”

Many other places I have been to have excellent maps on site, but trying to find them onlineNew Zealand Birds Onlinerendering nothing but disappointments. The New Zealand's Department of Conservation is the ONE STOP ONLY for everything regarding outdoor activities on New Zealand.

New Zealand Birds Online, there is everything you ever wish to know about the birds on New Zealand. Nothing less than fantastic. Click HERE to down load Checklist of the birds of NZ from New Zealand Birds Online web page

One of the best web pages I have ever seen when it comes to birding. All the information you can ever ask for and a ONE STOP for all your needs before going bird watching on New Zealand. Range maps, sounds, information and bird lists, everything you need.

Tiritiri Matangi Island Warf
Arriving to Tiritiri Matangi Island

Tiritiri Matangi Island Warf
Arriving to Tiritiri Matangi Island

Tiritiri Matangi Island Warf
Arriving to Tiritiri Matangi Island

Tiritiri Matangi Island Warf
Arriving to Tiritiri Matangi Island

Tiritiri Matangi Island Warf
Arriving to Tiritiri Matangi Island

Tiritiri Matangi Island Warf
Arriving to Tiritiri Matangi Island

Tiritiri Matangi Island Warf
Arriving to Tiritiri Matangi Island

Tiritiri Matangi Island Warf
We get the DO's and DON'Ts before we can go look for birds on Tiritiri Matangi Island

Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae

Tui singing for us

We see a Tui on the way up the hill, and I managed to get a video of the Tui while singing for us next to the gravel road, Wharf Road and we went on to the Wattle Track going through the forest/ bushes to the lighthouse and visitor center. We have not been walking for long before we see a North Island Robin sitting in the bushes watching our step.

The bird is sitting watching if your feet uncovers some insects on the ground. Then we are soon spotting the almost extinct North Island kōkako. When we walked up the hill my Guide gave me some special instructions.
- When I tell you let go of everything you do IMMEDIATELY!!!! Then I have seen the EXTREMELY rare North Island kōkako and we might get some pictures.

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island kōkako, Callaeas wilsoni

North Island kōkako, Callaeas wilsoni
North Island kōkako

North Island kōkako, Callaeas wilsoni
North Island kōkako

Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae

Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae

Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae


Stitchbird or Hihi, Notiomystis cincta

We were extremely lucky and we spotted a pair of the North Island kōkako not long after we had got on the Wattle Track. We left the track to go down 20 meters or so below the Wattle track. There were a small tray we filled with water. We sat down on the bench and we had a Tui and a Stitchbird coming for a swim.

We left the Wattle track and we walked up the service road to the Wharf Road. We spotted two Saddlebacks and two Red-crowned parakeets on the service road. Of course, I never got a picture of the Red-crowned Parakket. Well, I got one, but when I took the photo the bird hide the head behind a flower so it turned out to nothing but sh**.

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
We can see the lighthouse form the service road

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
Red-crowned Parakeet
I'm extremely lucky with my pictures today!

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
I'm extremely lucky with my pictures today!

Listen to the Saddleback
Own recording from when we walked to the lighthouse on Tiritiri Matangi Island

North Island Saddleback or Tieke, Philesturnus rufusater
Saddlebacks or Tieke

North Island Saddleback or Tieke, Philesturnus rufusater
Saddlebacks or Tieke

We reach the visitor centre at the lighthouse and we have our lunch. The sandwiches we had bought earlier in the morning tasted very good and, of course, the MAX was not bad. When we were ready we walked around the lighthouse. A beautiful view. We saw a Chaffinch but I never got any photo. But there was a Tui, coloured orange from the flower so I thought I had seen a new bird. But I was soon to discover that it was a Tui

We start walking back towards the ferry. We went in to some bushes and we're lucky to see the Whitehead. My Guide is using a “squeeser” and this makes a sound that is general for all small birds. I asked him where he got it. This was handy little thing. So I will order this on internet when I'm back at my hotel. I call it the “Bird Squeezer” but the official name turned out to be Audubon Bird caller. Can come in handy during my birding tours.

Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae
First I thought it was a new bird, but it is a Tui coloured orange by the flower

Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae
First I thought it was a new bird, but it is a Tui coloured orange by the flower

Whitehead or Pōpokotea, Mohoua albicilla
Whitehead or Pōpokotea

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
Looking for the Whitehead

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
Leaving the lighthouse area - View from the Wattle Track

Whitehead or Pōpokotea, Mohoua albicilla
Whitehead or Pōpokotea

Whitehead or Pōpokotea, Mohoua albicilla
Whitehead or Pōpokotea

New Zealand Bellbird, Anthornis melanura
New Zealand Bellbird

New Zealand Bellbird, Anthornis melanura
New Zealand Bellbird

Stitchbird or Hihi, Notiomystis cincta
Stitchbird or Hihi

Stitchbird or Hihi, Notiomystis cincta
Stitchbird or Hihi

Stitchbird or Hihi, Notiomystis cincta
Stitchbird or Hihi

We had to be at the ferry at 15:10 for check-in and we started to walk back towards the ferry. We would stop at the pond to see if we could get any luck with the Red-crowned Parakeet. We passed another New Zealand pigeon. Jeez, that is a big bird and someone said it was the biggest pigeon in the world. I don't know, but it is very big.

We have had a gorgeous day here on Tiritiri Matangi Island, seen all the birds, but I miss a picture of the Red-crowned Parakeet.

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
Walking the Wattle Track towards the ferry

Tiritiri Matangi Island

Birding/ Bird watching on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
Leaving Tiritiri Matangi Island behind

We never saw any Red-crowned Parakeet at the pond and we left for the ferry after 10 minutes or so. The jetty was full of people when we came down to the water front. We met the couple from yesterday and we talked about the good ol' times while watching Kingfishers and a Variable Oystercatcher. So I have seen a lot of new birds today, very good.

15 thirty and we left Tiritiri Matangi Island behind. We will make one stop to try our luck with the Banded Rail before we return to Auckland. We saw 2 Eastern Rosellas as soon as we came in to the area. We also spotted the Banded Rail again. We drove by the place where we had seen the bird this morning. I saw something moving under the bushes and I went out of the car. I got a good sight of the bird, but no pictures.

The place was full of the Black-winged Stilt just as when we were here in the morning. We spotted the Eastern Rosella and when we were chasing the bird for some pictures we also spotted the very beautiful bird Chaffinch. We were not very lucky with the Chaffinch, well, not very lucky with the Eastern Rosella. But I got a picture of the Eastern Rosella so I can put it on my list over birds I have seen on New Zealand.

Birding/ Bird watching at Shakespeare Peninsula, New Zealand
Back to look for the Banded Rail

Black-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt
Called Pied Stilt on New Zealand

Black-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt
Called Pied Stilt on New Zealand

Black-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt
Called Pied Stilt on New Zealand

Black-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt
Called Pied Stilt on New Zealand

Birding/ Bird watching at Shakespeare Peninsula, New Zealand
The beautiful Common Chaffinch - Not good enough picture for my bird list

Birding/ Bird watching at Shakespeare Peninsula, New Zealand
Eastern Rosella

Birding/ Bird watching at Shakespeare Peninsula, New Zealand
Eastern Rosella

Eastern Rosella, Platycercus eximius
Eastern Rosella

To see the map in a full window click HERE

What a day we have had! This is what makes it worth flying around the world. Walking in beautiful areas and we have seen many beautiful and rare birds. My Guide wanted to go on for a few hours more, but it is alos my holiday. And my alarm will go off again early tomorrow morning for departure to Miranda.

Miranda and Kaiaua, a fantastic area for shorebirds and we're hopingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto see the very rare Wrybill and the New Zealand Dotterel and many many more birds. But now I want to go back to my room in Auckland. We have been on the go for soon 12 hours.


is a historical fort and small village in the Firth of Thames, New Zealand, which is now best known as the location of the Miranda ShoreBird Centre, owned and operated by the Miranda Naturalists' Trust. The Miranda Hot Springs are another attraction for visitors.

The Ngati Whanaunga village of Pukorokoro was renamed after the warship HMS Miranda, which brought 300 soldiers of the 70th Surrey Regiment to the area in 1863, together with 600 more men on other ships who were to build a fort supporting the British troops fighting in the Waikato region during the New Zealand Wars. Several redoubts were eventually built, one of them named after the ship leading the small troop flotilla. A local headland also carries the name, together ensuring that the name became fixed

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Miranda and Kaiaua

Miranda and Kaiaua are small settlements located about an hours drive from Auckland City, in the southeast corner of the Auckland region. The Seabird Coast is a popular attraction, home to up to 20,000 migratory seabirds and waders, rich in marine life, and an ideal spot for bird watching, picnics and fishing. The Miranda Hot Springs are another popular attraction, with thermally heated fresh mineral water pools.


Birding/ Bird watching on New Zealand
On the way back to Auckland

Birding/ Bird watching on New Zealand
On the way back to Auckland

Birding/ Bird watching on New Zealand
On the way back to Auckland

Birding/ Bird watching on New Zealand
On the way back to Auckland

Back in my room and I had my evening tea while looking at the pictures I had taken today. Off to bed and my alarm will go off early tomorrow morning. You want to know about Mirand but you don't want to go through the trouble flying to New Zealand? Click HERE to find out what we see in the Miranda and Kaiaua area.

Review of Wrybill Birding Tours

This was good, some good 'ol NO NONSENSE good service. A very dedicated Guide whoReview of Wrybill Birding Toursnever gave up finding the birds. In my age so it was the old generation and it means quality minded. No playing on the phone wanting to go home.

He just went on and on and I had to tell him that I wanted to go back to my hotel as I have a little holiday as well. And after 10 to 12 hours of bird watching it is time to sleep.

He knew some very good bakeries where we bought our lunch and we ate the lunch in some very beautiful outdoor location.

My Guide showed me all the endemics and many more birds in the north of New Zealand. A highly recommended company and I give them 5 stars out of 5.

Review of Wrybill Birding Tours

Review of Wrybill Birding Tours

Visit their web page for more information

Wrybill Birding Tours

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