OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday 29 th of October 2017 and I discovered sunshine looking out my window. I finished my tea and smoked salmon and I went to order a taxi. Now I discover that the battery in my phone is flat after a full night of charging. Looking on line and I find a shop selling the batteries. But they don't open until 11 so I had to wait for a while before I could take off to the Muriwai Gannet Colony. Sunday and I was happy to even find a place that was open.

I need to be able to call my taxi driver that I had agreed with to go to the Muriwai Gannet Colony. I take off and in the gadget shop we found out that the battery is OK, it is the charging cable that is the problem. So I buy a cable and a cigarette lighter charger. I had agreed with the driver that brought me here to get to the Muriwai Gannet Colony and back for 250 Dollars.

We were soon on the way and we drove the same way we had been driving Friday morning coming here. We passed the same sign, Avocado 49¢ and the driver told me that he would stop here coming back to Auckland. Avocado 49¢ was very cheap according to him.

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
Cheap avocado

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
Of course, approaching Muriwai Gannet Colony and it starts to rain

Of course, approaching Muriwai Gannet Colony and it starts to rain. As my Guide from Habitat Tours said: Always raining at the Muriwai Gannet Colony But we were lucky and it stopped to rain when we arrived to Muriwai Gannet Colony.

And I expected it to be crowded as the parking place was more than full, but I was lucky, most of the people seems to be here for surfing.

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
The parking lot is full

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
There is a bathroom

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
We could not see this island last time we were here

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
Full of people surfing

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
The platform I had been at last time here. I turned around when I discovered a full look out platform

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
It is a beautiful place

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
The look out I had been on last time

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand

I went out to the first viewing platform, the same platform I had been on last time I was here. The platform was full, but I was lucky, the next platform had plenty space and I walked over to the platform. This platform is maybe 100meters away and it is at the end of some stairs going down the cliff.

It was a gorgeous day and I enjoyed the Gannets flying around. Last time I was here I thought they were fighting each other on the crowded cliff. But after having studied the birds for a while I realised that the parents took turns sitting on the egg/ baby. So when the parent came back the parents were “kissing and hugging” before the other parent took off for fishing.

Looked very nice when the big birds came if for landing. And it was amazing that they could find their spot on the cliffs among all the other nests and birds.

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
I try the other look out as there is not so much people

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Can you see the egg?

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Mom or Dad is coming in for landing after having been at sea to fish

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Mom or Dad is saying HELLO and GOOD BYE before one of them take off to catch fish as they take turns sitting on the eggs

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Some of them already have the baby

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Some of them already have the baby

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Saying “HELLO” to each other

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Coming home from the fishing tour

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Saying “HELLO” to each other

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Another bird comes in for landing

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet
Another bird comes in for landing

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Birding/ Bird watching at Muriwai Gannet Colony, Auckland, New Zealand
Mytaxi comes to pick me up

I could easily have spent hours here, many hours and I could continue to take millions of pictures. So I just told myself that it was time to go and I forced myself to go back to the taxi and we were soon on the way back to Auckland. We stopped on the way to buy the avocados. We were soon to be disappointed.

49¢, well, the 49¢ avocados was not much bigger than strawberries. The “normal” sized avocados was 3 Dollars just as in town. I bought 5 “normal” sized avocados. I pointed at the sign saying BIG eggplants and I asked the Cashier.
- Why does it says BIG eggplants? I asked
- Because they are big
- Why dosen't it say SMALL avocado?

The driver dropped me at the hotel and I had my afternoon tea before I went to look for birds at the Auckland Domain. If you ever plan to go bird watching at Auckland Domain you can click HERE to find out what birds I have found there.


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