OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji

Sunday 22 nd of October 2017 and my alarm went off a few minutes after the call from the reception. I quick sip MAX and a quick shower and a quick sip of the MAX again and I was off to the reception. They have tea and what they call continental breakfast in the reception from 04:00. I had a cup of tea and two cup-cakes.

My Guide (The owner of the freshly started tour company Viti Awesome Tours) arrived and he didn't had a 4 wheel drive. We will change car in Lautoka, second biggest town on Fiji. We had come up with this bird watching tour late yesterday so no car available in Nadi. We took off and I opened my first MAX out of 2 bottles that I had brought.

We stopped to pick up a girl, she is from the Abaca village and she will guide us on the mountain. We stopped at the gas stop in Lautoka and we waited for about 10 minutes before the 4 wheel arrived. We took off towards the Abaca village and the entrance to the Koroyanitu National Park.


Located north of Nadi just 15 km outside the ‘sugar city’ of Lautoka is the beautifully preserved Abaca village. Abaca is centrally located within the Koroyanitu National Park which is home to select species of endangered birds such as the (Ptilinopus luteovirens) known as the Golden Dove, the (Falco peregrinus) known the Peregrine Falcon and many more.

The Koroyanitu National Park is one of the oldest national parks in the South Pacific Region. It is only a short drive from Nadi, but feels a world away from the hustle and bustle of the Viti Levu’s busy coastal towns. The trails through the park wind their way through native “Dakua” Pacific Kauri forests and grass lands, and on to beautiful jagged peaks clad in alpin lichens and rolling mists.

There are six small and largely self-sufficient villages within the park that cooperate as part of a conservation project intended to protect Fiji’s only unlogged tropical montane forest.

Visit http://www.fijiecotours.com.fj for more information

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
We stop to change car to a 4 wheel drive

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
We can see the mountain top we're going to trek to

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
On the dirt road to the Abaca village

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
We can see the mountain top we're going to trek to

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Approaching the Abaca village

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Approaching the Abaca village

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Abaca village

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Gate to the Koroyanitu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Gate to the Koroyanitu National Park

Arriving to the Abaca village and our Guide went out to move two traffic cones blocking the road. She works for the park and it is their office you can see on the picture. Blue house with red porch. We continued on a dirt road, and this is the stretch you need a 4 wheel drive. The road was OK, only one river we had to cross. Not much water as it is the dry season.

We arrive to a camping site and there is also one Bure people can live in while here. But we were alone and we parked the car and we were soon on our way along a path (called the Savuione Falls Track)on the mountain side. It was a gorgeous morning and we had a beautiful view from the path.

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Abaca camping site in Koroyanitu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Abaca camping site in Koroyanitu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Savuione Falls Track

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Our Birding guide taking us up the Savuione Falls Track - Just a small path

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Up and down the mountain on the small paths

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
A very beautiful area and it was wort it, to wake up at 03:45

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
A very beautiful area and it was wort it, to wake up at 03:45

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
A very beautiful area and it was wort it, to wake up at 03:45

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
A tree to climb. Hmm, where have I seen this before


Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
A spider in the big web

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Collared/ Pacific Kingfisher

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
We continue in to the wilderness

I was desperate for some bird pictures. Coming here, I was not sure, throwing good money after bad money. Seriously, I get scared when I'm thinking about the price tag “per new” bird I have got on picture. Walking and looking for birds is not easy unless it is a paved walk path. Here it was mud and slippery at places so you need to keep an eye on where you set foot.

We saw a lot of birds but no pictures so I was disappointed and, well, I already decided back in Suva that I will give up the bird watching. All the money spent and not many pictures. Of course, I have seen very beautiful views, got a lot of exercise and I have seen a lot of beautiful birds. But no pictures.

Koroyanitu National Park and we see the beautiful Collared lory (National bird of Fiji) and the Masked shining parrot. The beautifully singing Fiji bush warbler and we spotted a Slaty monarch. Never saw any Fiji Whistler but we could hear the bird. Pacific Robins, but most of the birds with red in the plumage was of course the Red-vented Bulbul.

Collared lory and the Fiji Parrotfinch, both red and green. The parrots were beautiful, but they never sat down close to us. I was so desperat that I took some pictures of a Collared lory 30 meters up in the tree. Of course, in normal case the picture would have ended up in the garbage.

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Collared lory - National bird of Fiji

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Collared lory - National bird of Fiji

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Collared lory - National bird of Fiji

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Collared lory - National bird of Fiji

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Collared/ Pacific Kingfisher

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Beautiful views

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
A old fig tree

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Chocolate tree

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Back at the camp site and I see a Polynesian Triller

We were back at the camping site after 2 or 3 hours. A beautiful trek with parrots and Collared lorys flying around us, but no pictures. There is a camping lodge and Polynesian Trillers was seen. A Masked shining parrot was heard from behind the trees. Trying to find the bird and we ended up in a garbage dump. People coming to stay in the camping lodge just throw the garbage down the hill. Wankers!

We walked down to the Vereni Falls. Just a few minutes from the camping site. There are trees (Bottle brush flower) with red flowers and the Sulphur-breasted Myzomela, also known as Orange-breasted Myzomela or Orange-breasted Honeyeater was eating. A Grey Heron/ Egret was taking of from the almost dry river when I approached. Plenty wattled honey eaters in the trees. A beautiful place even though we were unlucky with the bird pictures.

But now it was starting to get hot so the birds are hiding in the shadow.

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Camping Bure

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Going down to the Vereni Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Going down to the Vereni Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Going down to the Vereni Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Going down to the Vereni Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Vereni Falls from the viewing platform

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Dry season and the river is dry

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Dry season and the river is dry

Well, not one single bird picture from our visit to the Vereni Falls. But it was worth the trek to get down there. Back up and now it was time to leave Koroyanitu National Park. We will get to the petrol station to get our car, then we will drop the Guide. After that we will go to check out the Sleeping Giant ZIP line. Should be located in the rain forest and there should be birds.

We left the Koroyanitu National Park and the Abaca village behind. We changed to the car at the petrol station and we left Lautoka behind.

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Leaving the camp site

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Crossing the dry river

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Back at the entrance to the Koroyanitu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Koroyanitu National Park, Fiji
Abaca village

I decided just to have a look at the ZIP line and if it looked interesting I would come back in the afternoon, now it was too hot to see any birds. We left Lautoka and the Guide showed me the old “highway” from back in the colonial times when they used horse carriage.

The trees gave shadow to the highway and you could ride along in the shade, pretty clever. We dropped the bird guide and we continued to the ZIP line in the Sabeto area. The other side of the mountain we had been bird watching on this morning. And to get up there it is also required to have a 4 wheel drive.

Colonial highway on Fiji
Driving along the old highway

Sleeping Giant ZIP line
On the dust road to the Sleeping Giant ZIP line

Sleeping Giant ZIP line
On the dust road to the Sleeping Giant ZIP line

Sleeping Giant ZIP line

Sleeping Giant ZIP line

Sleeping Giant ZIP line

Sleeping Giant ZIP line
Reaching the Sleeping Giant ZIP line

Sleeping Giant ZIP line
It looked interesting so I decided to come back in the afternoon

We left the ZIP line driving back to Westin Denarau Island Resort. I had lunch and I looked at some pictures from this morning. I was in the car again at 3 o'clock and we took off towards the ZIP line. I remembered to bring my phone, but now the battery in my loudspeaker was dead, no end to the shit hitting me on my last day bird watching on FIJI. I forgot the phone this morning and we didn't have any bird songs walking the mountain.

We parked the car and we start to walk on the concrete path towards the water fall and there were soon a girl coming after us. 20 Dollars to get in to the area. We walked up the hill and we saw and heard the normal birds, no pictures and, well, I had killed time.

We left and I spent the rest of the evening in my room. Perfect length of stay on Fiji, now here is nothing else I want to do and another day would have been boring. I have stayed on 3 islands. Living in a tent on a Fiji island. I have been to Suva and I have been out in the Fiji wilderness. So no, I have done everything and it will be nice to get to Auckland again.

Bird watching at the Sleeping Giant ZIP line
Turn right when reaching Sabeto Road

Bird watching at the Sleeping Giant ZIP line
On the waterfall walk

Bird watching at the Sleeping Giant ZIP line
On the waterfall walk

To see the map in a full window click HERE

So this is almost over and out from Fiji. Had a wonderful time, but the bird watching turned out to be nothing but a disappointment, when it comes to pictures. I have seen many beautiful birds and view in the progress of chasing pictures. So it have been worth it. And don't forget, the main reason to come here was the Humpback whale swim on Tonga

Anyway, off to Auckland for new adventures and we only need to click HERE to find ourselves in the middle of that Air New Zealand flight adventure.


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