Fiji day trip - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise

Thursday 19 th of October 2017 and I skipped the early morning bird watching. I enjoyed tea and MAX in my room before going for breakfast at 7 thirty. Bus will come to pick me up at 08:20 forPort Denarau Marinatransportation to Port Denarau Marina. Leaving Westin Denarau Island Resort and it will be a few minutes to get to Port Denarau Marina and the boat.

I was a little late for breakfast as I had some birds on my balcony, the Red-vented Bulbul and the Vanikoro flycatcher. I decided to set up my play back device (My phone and a JBL Bluetooth speaker) on the balcony. Time turned quick and I had to dash off to the restaurant. I had the same as yesterday and I was outside waiting for my pick-up quarter past 8.

I asked them to call me a taxi at 8 thirty, now it is the second time Awesome Fiji Adventure cheat me on my free ride to the boat in Port Denarau Marina.

Bird watching on Fiji - Red-vented Bulbul
Red-vented Bulbul on my balcony

Denarau Bula Bus
Denarau Bula Bus come to pick up passengers

Bird watching on Fiji - Fiji Woodswallow
Fiji Woodswallow

Bird watching on Fiji - Fiji Woodswallow
Fiji Woodswallow

I had time to get some pictures of two Fiji Woodswallows sitting in the tree outside the entrance chasing insects. My taxi came and there had not been any sign of any “courtesy” transportationAwesome Adventures Fijifrom Awesome Adventures Fiji.

It takes a few minutes to get to Port Denarau Marina and they have a fixed price, 7 Fiji $ for one way. I got out of the taxi and I went to Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises check-in counter.

I got my ticket after having a discussion about their pick up. I claimed the taxi fare but they told me that they could not do anything as it was a courtesy bus. I got on board the boat and I took my seat in the back on the middle deck. And as I had suspected, the cruise was nothing like the pictures on their web page. People lounging and enjoying themselves with refreshments.

Port Denarau Marina
Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises check in

Port Denarau Marina
Port Denarau Marina

Port Denarau Marina
Boarding our boat Tiger V

South Sea Cruises boat Tiger V
Well, a wee bit different from the pictures on their web page

South Sea Cruises boat Tiger V
Well, a wee bit different from the pictures on their web page

South Sea Cruises boat Tiger V

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise

Fiji Island Explorers
Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruises

These are the perfect sightseeing cruises if you just wish to relax onboard South Sea Cruises vessel and view the startling beauty of the Mamanuca Islands as you cruise.

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Set off from Denarau onboard one of our large stable cruising catamarans and either
relax in air conditioned comfort or enjoy the sun and sea from the upper viewing decks

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Set off from Denarau onboard one of our large stable cruising catamarans and either
relax in air conditioned comfort or enjoy the sun and sea from the upper viewing decks

South Sea Cruises have three fantastic Fiji Island Explorer cruises to choose from. Each explore idyllic waters, cross coral reefs and enter blue lagoons as we meander through the Mamanuca Islands of Fiji. Your crew will provide an informative commentary, pointing out the different islands as you cruise by and drop off and pick up day cruise passengers and resort guests on the way.

Sit back, relax and soak up the wonders of Fiji's islands with this scenic cruise of the beautiful Mamanuca Islands. You'll see many of the well-known resorts and islands as our vessel picks up and drops off resort guests enroute.

For full details of where you travel and which islands and resorts you'll see, please view the transfers timetable. Simply choose which route you'll travel on to make your booking.

Cruise Map

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise

Well, I had not expected much, but I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully see some sea birds during our “cruise”. The cruise is actually to ge ton board a commuter boat and as you understand, there won't be much sights to see. Just water and I have enough of that sight already.

3 hours and I will do my best to enjoy myself in the back. We left Port Denarau Marina and the first stop is the South Sea Island. I learned that this is the island we will stop at on our “Finding Nemo Cruise” tomorrow. So tomorrow's “cruise” is about 15 minutes to the island and then we will board the boat when they come back after 2 hours or so.

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Approaching South Sea Island

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Approaching South Sea Island

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Mana Island, the only place where we used a jetty

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Leaving Mana Island

Seaspray Day Adventure

Seaspray Day Adventure
Full Day Cruise

A magnificent day on the water! This full day sailing cruise includes a Fijian village visit and time ashore at Modriki Island from Tom Hanks movie 'Cast Away'.

Seaspray Day Adventure

Seaspray Day Adventure

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise

Seaspray Day Adventure, sounds like the adventure of a life time reading South Sea Cruises web page. We dropped passengers that would join the Seaspray Day Adventure. The boat was full and we can imagine exactly how exciting this adventure will be. No space to move around on the boat. And the heat, it is darn hot here on Fiji. The sun is burning you through the clothes.

And passing Seaspray made me worried about my full day cruise on Saturday. The boat was full and it looked very uncomfortable. Imagine spending a day on that sailboat

We left Mana behind and we had have about as many passengers boarding us that we had dropped at the different islands.

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Approaching another island

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
The only seabirds I see during the “cruise”

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Changing luggage and passengers at one of the islands

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Rain when we approaching Port Denarau Marina

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise

Awesome Adventures Fiji/ South Sea Cruises - Mamanuca Sightseeing Cruise
Coming off the boat in Port Denarau Marina

We were back at Port Denarau Marina just before 3 o'clock. I went to the supermarket to buy some Pepsi MAX But they only had Coca Cola products and I will have to buy my stuff at the Mini Mart at the hotel.

I returned to my room with my MAX and I was pretty happy with the day so far. The time had passed pretty quickly during the “cruise” And I have plenty time for tea and oatmeal before going for my afternoon birding. And my plan is to walk down the road towards the Port Denarau Marina to see what I can find. Click HERE , it might turn out to get exciting.

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