Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Tuesday 17 th of October 2017 and my alarm goes off at 5 o'clock. And it looks to be a gorgeous day here on our Pacific island. The only thing missing is a tea kettle in my room.

Twat Man just woke up

I get my bird watching equipment and today I bring the bird song player with me. It doesn’t take long before the Silvereye is showing up. I saw the Vanikoro flycatcher, actually, I saw several of them coming after me when I played the bird song. I cannot say that I was surprised when I ran in to a Red-vented Bulbul.

Passing the reception and there was a Fiji Woodswallow sitting on the wire looking for insects to eat. It was fun to see the Fiji Woodswallow dive down from the wire and to return with a snack in the bill. Reminded me about breakfast and I went to the restaurant.

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Silvereye or Wax-eye, Zosterops lateralis
Silvereye or Wax-eye

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Silvereye or Wax-eye, Zosterops lateralis
Silvereye or Wax-eye

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Silvereye or Wax-eye, Zosterops lateralis
Silvereye or Wax-eye

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Silvereye or Wax-eye, Zosterops lateralis
Silvereye or Wax-eye

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Red-vented Bulbul
Red-vented Bulbul

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Red-vented Bulbul
Red-vented Bulbul

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Vanikoro flycatcher, Myiagra vanikorensis
Vanikoro flycatcher

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Fiji woodswallow, Artamus mentalis
Fiji woodswallow

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Fiji woodswallow, Artamus mentalis
Fiji woodswallow

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Fiji woodswallow, Artamus mentalis
Fiji woodswallow

Bird watching on Kuata Island, Fiji - Fiji woodswallow, Artamus mentalis
Fiji woodswallow

There is a couple moving in to my tent when the boat is coming, so I will move to a room. I brought my stuff to the reception on my way to the dive shop. Just 2 plastic bags and my backBarefoot Kuata Island Resort dive shoppack. They will keep it for me until I'm back from the shark adventure and I will move in to my new room where I will stay for a few hours.

I went down to the dive shop, I signed the paper they have there and I got a pair of fins and we were soon on our way to the reef. The weather was much better today and it was not so choppy getting to the “shark” reef.

We arrived and I was in the water 2 minutes later swimming around, no sign of any sharks around the reef. This was not what I had expected.

Barefoot Kuata Island Resort dive shop
Barefoot Kuata Island Resort dive shop

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Looking for the sharks

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Looking for the sharks

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Looking for the sharks

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
Suddenly there are 2 sharks

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
4 sharks

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
My new friend

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
My new friend

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

I was soon spotting 2 sharks and when I came over the edge of the reef I looked down and thereSwimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Islandwere at least 4 or 5 more sharks swimming. Looks to be a good swim today.

We stayed for about one hour before we returned to the resort. I moved in to my new room and now it was just to wait for the departure around 3 thirty in the afternoon. We had lunch and time passed pretty quickly. I had expected to go back with the same boat we hadSouth Sea Cruisesarrived with, Awesome Adventures Fiji's Yasawa Flyer. But we were picked up by South Sea Cruises boat that will take us to Denarau marina about 2 hours away.

We got on board the small boat on the beach and we had to wait outside for 10 minutes or so before the South Sea Cruises boat arrived. I was happy when I stepped on board, now I look forward to a hot shower and AC.

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
Time to leave Barefoot Kuata Island

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
She bring my luggage

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
They are singing for us

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
Leaving the resort behind

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
We come up to South Sea Cruises boat

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
Boarding the South Sea Cruises boat

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
New visitors to Barefoot Kuata Island leaving us

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
Barefoot Kuata Island behind us

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
Bound for Denarau marina

With South Sea Cruises to Denarau marina
Finally, at Denarau marina

We arrived to Denarau marina about 90 minutes after we left Barefoot Kuata Island. Good, I went to look for a taxi and I was soon on my way to The Westin. I will be back at Denarau marina tomorrow. I spoke with a guy and they have boats for rent in the marina. I really want to go check out the mangroves around the marina. When we left I spotted a white-faced Heron so there might be some interesting birds in the mangroves.

Today is my day off, the first day since I left home. So I will look for some birds here on Denarau. And of course, the alarm will go off at 5 o'clock. Click HERE to find out if I make it to the mangroves at the Denarau marina

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