PLEASE! If you see any mistakes, I'm 100% sure that I have wrongly identified some birds.
So please let me know on my guestbook at the bottom of the page

Below is my bird checklist from my visits to Africa. And as I never know when I “pop” by Africa it can be worthwhile to keep an eye out for updates!

Djubouti bird watching map
Visit Djibouti Nature´s web page: for much information about birding in Djibouti

Below the African bird check list there are pictures of each bird in alphabetical order

Bird name
Scientific Name
Date first observed
Link to pictures & information

Abyssinian Ground Hornbill or
Northern Ground Hornbill

Bucorvus abyssinicus
26 October 2019
Along A7 between Alem Tena and Meki, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Abyssinian Roller

Coracias abyssinicus
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Abyssinian wheatear

Oenanthe lugubris
24 October 2019
Aliyu Amba, Ethiopia
Click HERE

African Citril or
Abyssinian Citril

Crithagra citrinelloides
8 November 2019
Amora Gedel Park, Awassa, Ethiopia
Click HERE

African darter

Anhinga rufa
18 November 2014
Okavango Delta, Botswana
Click HERE

African Dusky Flycatcher, Dusky-brown Flycatcher
or Dusky Alseonax

Muscicapa adusta
6 November 2019
Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter, Ethiopia
Click HERE

African Fish Eagle

Haliaeetus vocifer
8 November 2014
Victoria Fallas, Zimbabwe
Click HERE

African Grey Hornbill

Lophoceros nasutus
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

African hawk-eagle

Aquila spilogaster
13 November 2014
Chobe Game Lodge, Botswana
Click HERE

African Jacana

Actophilornis africanus
7 December 2019
Lake Awassa, Ethiopia
Click HERE

African Openbill

Anastomus lamelligerus
8 November 2014
Zambezi River, Zimbabwe
Click HERE

African penguin

Spheniscus demersus
6 Aug 2015
Betty's Bay, Cape Town
Click HERE

African Sacred Ibis

Threskiornis aethiopicus
18 November 2014
Okavango Delta, Botswana
Click HERE

African Silverbill

Euodice cantans
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

African Stonechat

Saxicola torquatus
6 November 2019
Dinsho Wetland, Ethiopia
Click HERE

African Thrush or
West African Thrush

Turdus pelios
7 November 2019
Lake Awassa, Ethiopia
Click HERE

African Wattled Lapwing,
Senegal Wattled Plover,
Wattled Lapwing

Vanellus senegallus
30 October 2019
Cattle farm north of Yabelo, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Arabian Bustard

Ardeotis arabs
23 October 2019
Hallaydeghe Asebot National Park,
former Aledeghi Wildlife Reserve, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Augur Buzzard

Buteo augur
25 October 2019
On the road between Debre Birhan and Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Baglafecht Weaver

Ploceus baglafecht
26 October 2019
Ethio-German Park Hotel, Debre Libanos, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica
27 October 2019
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Bateleur Eagle

Terathopius ecaudatus
15 November 2014
Savuti Marsh, Botswana
Click HERE

Bearded Vulture

Gypaetus barbatus
25 October 2019
Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Bearded Woodpecker

Chloropicus namaquus
31 October 2019
Borana Lodge, Oromia, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Beautiful Sunbird

Cinnyris pulchella
22 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Bennett's Woodpecker

Campethera bennettii
18 November 2014
Okavango Delta, Botswana
Click HERE

Black-billed Barbet

Lybius guifsobalito
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Black-crowned Night Heron

Nycticorax nycticorax
10 November 2018
On board m/t ribe Maersk at Djibouti Anchorage, Djibouti
Click HERE

Black-crowned Sparrow-lark

Eremopterix nigriceps
24 October 2019
Desert between Awash and Dulecha, Ethiopia
Click HERE


Oenanthe melanura
24 October 2019
Desert between Awash and Dulecha, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Black-winged Lovebird or
Abyssinian Lovebird

Agapornis taranta
28 October 2019
Sabana Beach Resort at Lake Langano, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Black-winged Red Bishop or
Fire-crowned Bishop

Euplectes hordeaceus
25 October 2019
Jemma Valley, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Blanford's Lark or
Blanford's Short-toed Lark

Calandrella blanfordi
25 October 2019
On the road between Debre Birhan and Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Blue-breasted Bee-eater

Merops variegatus
20 October 2019
Hora Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Blue-naped Mousebird

Urocolius macrourus
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Blue-spotted Wood Dove

Turtur afer
26 October 2019
Ethio-German Park Hotel, Debre Libanos, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Blue-winged Goose

Cyanochen cyanoptera
24 October 2019
Debre Berhan, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Bronze Mannikin or Bronze Munia

Lonchura cucullata
28 October 2019
Sabana Beach Resort at Lake Langano, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Brown snake eagle

Circaetus cinereus
19 November 2014
Xakanaxa, Botswana
Click HERE

Brown-rumped Seedeater

Crithagra tristriatus
9 November 2019
Sheraton Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Cape Crow or
Black Crow

Corvus capensis
25 October 2019
On the road between Debre Birhan and Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Cape Starling

Lamprotornis nitens
15 November 2014
Savuti Marsh, Botswana
Click HERE

Cattle Egret

Bubulcus ibis
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse

Pterocles exustus
24 October 2019
Desert between Awash and Dulecha, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Chestnut-naped Francolin

Pternistis castaneicollis
4 November 2019
Sanetti Plateau, Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Cinnamon Bracken Warbler

Bradypterus cinnamomeus
5 November 2019
Outside North entrance to Bole Mountain National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Cinnamon-breasted Bunting or
Cinnamon-breasted Rock-bunting

Emberiza tahapisi
25 October 2019
Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul

Pycnonotus barbatus, Pycnonotus somaliensis
6 September 2018
Goda Mountains, Djibouti
Click HERE

Common Ostrich

Struthio camelus
15 November 2014
Ghoha Hills, Botswana
Click HERE

Common Sandpiper

Actitis hypoleucos
7 September 2018
Djibouti, Djibouti
Click HERE

Crimson-breasted shrike

Laniarius atrococcineus
20 November 2014
Kalahari, Botswana
Click HERE

Crested Francolin

Dendroperdix sephaena
4 November 2019
Dust road between Negela and Balé Mountain NP-Genale River Area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Crowned Lapwing or
Crowned Plover

Vanellus coronatus
23 October 2019
Hallaydeghe Asebot National Park, former Aledeghi Wildlife Reserve, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Cut-throat Finch
Bearded Finch, Ribbon Finch, Cut Throat, Weaver Finch

Amadina fasciata
27 October 2019
Abidjatta-Shalla National Park, HQ area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

D'Arnaud's Barbet

Trachyphonus darnaudii
30 October 2019
At a cattle farm north of Yabelo, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Dark Chanting Goshawk

Melierax metabates
27 October 2019
Sabana Beach Resort at Lake Langano, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Double-toothed Barbet

Lybius bidentatus
27 October 2019
Fish Market at Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Dusky Turtle Dove

Streptopelia lugens
20 October 2019
Wetland, North of Debre Zeit lake area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Eastern Chanting Goshawk or
Somali Chanting Goshawk

Melierax poliopterus
8 September 2018
`As `Ela, Djibouti
Click HERE

Egyptian goose

Alopochen aegyptiacus
23 July 2014
Mikumi National Park, Tanzania
Click HERE

Egyptian Vulture

Neophron percnopterus
25 October 2019
On the road between Debre Birhan and Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Ethiopian Cisticola
Abyssinian Black-backed Cisticola, Winding Cisticola"

Cisticola lugubris
6 November 2019
Along the road outside Goba, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Eurasian Hoopoe

Upupa epops
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Fan-tailed Raven

Corvus rhipidurus
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Fork-tailed Drongo also called
the Common Drongo,
African Drongo or
Savanna Drongo

Dicrurus adsimilis
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Gabar Goshawk

Micronisus gabar
27 October 2019
Abidjatta-Shalla National Park HQ area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Gambaga flycatcher

Muscicapa gambagae
7 September 2018
Assamo, Djibouti
Click HERE

Gillett's Lark or
Gillett's Bushlark

Mirafra gilletti
22 October 2019
Awash National Park, Geda Rangers Camp, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Glossy Ibis

Plegadis falcinellus
19 November 2014
Xakanaxa, Botswana
Click HERE

Great Cormorant

Phalacrocorax carbo
20 October 2019
Hora Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Great Egret

Ardea alba
27 October 2019
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Great Grey Shrike

Lanius excubitor
8 September 2018
Desert between Dikhil and `As `Ela, Djibouti
Click HERE

Great White Pelican
Eastern White Pelican
Rosy Pelican, White Pelican

Pelecanus onocrotalus
27 October 2019
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Greater Blue-eared Starling or
Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling

Lamprotornis chalybaeus
24 October 2019
Desert between Awash and Dulecha, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Grey Heron

Ardea cinerea
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Grey-backed Fiscal

Lanius excubitoroides
26 October 2019
Bethelem Hotel in Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Grey-capped Social Weaver

Pseudonigrita arnaudi
1 November 2019
Borana Lodge, Oromia, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Grey-headed Gull or
Grey-hooded Gull

Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus
27 October 2019
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Grey-headed Kingfisher

Halcyon leucocephala
9 October 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk, Djibouti anchorage
Click HERE

Groundscraper Thrush

Psophocichla litsitsirupa
24 October 2019>
Gemessa Gedel, Ethiopia
Click HERE


Scopus umbretta
20 October 2019
Babogaya Lake Viewpoint Lodge, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Helmeted Guineafowl

Numida meleagris
13 November 2014
Chobe Game Lodge, Botswana
Click HERE

Hemprich's Hornbill

Lophoceros hemprichii
6 September 2018
Goda Mountains, Djibouti
Click HERE

Heuglin's White-eye or Ethiopian White-eye
Montane White-eye

Zosterops poliogastrus
26 October 2019
Ethio-German Park Hotel, Debre Libanos, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Hooded vulture

Necrosyrtes monachus
19 November 2014
Xakanaxa, Botswana
Click HERE

House Crow

Corvus splendens
7 September 2018
Djibouti, Djibouti
Click HERE

Isabelline Shrike,
Daurian Shrike

Lanius isabellinus
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Isabelline Wheatear

Oenanthe isabellina
20 October 2019
Wetland, North of Debre Zeit lake area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Kori bustard

Ardeotis kori
11 November 2014
Chobe Game Lodge, Botswana
Click HERE

Lappet-faced Vulture
Nubian Vulture

Torgos tracheliotos
7 November 2019
Along road B90 1km East of Dodola, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Laughing Dove

Spilopelia senegalensis
6 September 2018
Goda Mountains, Djibouti
Click HERE

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Larus fuscus
6 October 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk, Djibouti anchorage
Click HERE

Lesser Crested Tern

Thalasseus bengalensis
13 November 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk, Djibouti anchorage
Click HERE

Lilac-breasted roller/
African Roller

Coracias caudatus
23 July 2014
Mikumi National Park, Tanzania
Click HERE

Little bee-eater

Merops pusillus
13 November 2014
Chobe National Park, Botswana
Click HERE

Little Egret

Egretta garzetta
27 October 2019
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Little Rock Thrush

Monticola rufocinereus
26 October 2019
Ethio-German Park Hotel, Debre Libanos, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Long-billed Pipit or
Brown Rock Pipit

Anthus similis
28 October 2019
10000 Flamingo Lodge, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Long-tailed Cormorant
also called Reed Cormorant

Microcarbo africanus
27 October 2019
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Malachite kingfisher

Corythornis cristatus
18 November 2014
Okavango Delta, Botswana
Click HERE

Marabou stork

Leptoptilos crumenifer
11 November 2014
Chobe Game Lodge, Botswana
Click HERE

Mocking Cliff Chat
Mocking Chat or
Cliff Chat

Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris
25 October 2019
Jemma Valley, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Moorland Chat
Alpine Chat, Hill Chat

Pinarochroa sordida
5 November 2019
Outside North entrance to Bole Mountain National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Mourning Collared Dove
African Mourning Dove

Streptopelia decipiens
27 October 2019
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Namaqua Dove

Oena Capensis
8 September 2018
`As `Ela, Djibouti
Click HERE

Nile Valley Sunbird

Hedydipna metallica
8 September 2018
Around Acacias Hotel in Djibouti, Djibouti
Click HERE

Northern Black Flycatcher

Melaenornis edolioides
27 October 2019
Fish Market in Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Northern Black Korhaan

Afrotis afraoides
20 November 2014
Kalahari, Botswana
Click HERE

Northern Carmine Bee-eater

Merops nubicus
23 October 2019
Hallaydeghe Asebot National Park, former Aledeghi Wildlife Reserve, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Northern Fiscal

Lanius humeralis
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Northern Red Bishop or
Orange Bishop

Euplectes franciscanus
20 October 2019
Wetland, North of Debre Zeit lake area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Northern Red-billed Hornbill

Tockus erythrorhynchus
31 October 2019
Borana Lodge, Oromia, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Northern Wheatear

Oenanthe oenanthe
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Northern White-faced Owl

Ptilopsis leucotis
29 October 2019
Sabana Beach Resort at Lake Langano, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Ortolan Bunting

Emberiza hortulana
14 October 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk, Djibouti anchorage
Click HERE

Pearl-spotted Owlet

Glaucidium perlatum
22 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Pied Crow

Corvus albus
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Pied Kingfisher

Ceryle rudis
18 November 2014
Okavango Delta, Botswana
Click HERE

Pied Wheatear

Oenanthe pleschanka
27 October 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk, Djibouti anchorage
Click HERE

Purple Grenadier

Uraeginthus ianthinogaster
1 November 2019
Yabelo, Elephant Rock, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Purple Roller or
Rufous-crowned Roller

Coracias naevius
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Pygmy Falcon or
African Pygmy Falcon

Polihierax semitorquatus
1 November 2019
Yabelo, Elephant Rock, Ethiopia
Click HERE


Ortygospiza atricollis
20 October 2019
Wetland, North of Debre Zeit lake area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Red-and-yellow Barbet

Trachyphonus erythrocephalus
4 November 2019
Dust road between Negela and Balé Mountain NP-Genale River Area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Red-bellied Parrot

Poicephalus rufiventris
1 November 2019
Borana Lodge, Oromia, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Red-billed Firefinch or
Senegal Firefinch

Lagonosticta senegala
7 September 2018
Djibouti, Djibouti
Click HERE

Red-billed spurfowl

Pternistis adspersus
15 November 2014
Savute Marsh, Botswana
Click HERE

Red-breasted Wheatear

Oenanthe bottae
25 October 2019
On the road between Debre Birhan and Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Red-cheeked Cordonbleu

Uraeginthus bengalus
25 October 2019
Wetland - North of Debre Zeit lake area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Red-eyed Dove

Streptopelia semitorquata
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Red-faced Crombec or
African warbler

Sylvietta whytii
28 October 2019
10000 Flamingo Lodge. Ethiopia
Click HERE

Red-knobbed Coot or
Crested Coot

Fulica cristata
11 November 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bishoftu, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Reichenow's Seedeater

Crithagra reichenowi
20 October 2019
Wetland, North of Debre Zeit lake area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Rose-ringed Parakeet or
Ring-necked Parakeet

Psittacula krameri
8 September 2018
Djibouti, Djibouti
Click HERE

Rouget's Rail

Rougetius rougetii
5 November 2019
Outside North entrance to Bole Mountain National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE


Calidris pugnax
27 October 2019
Fish Market in Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Rüppell's Robin-chat

Cossypha semirufa
20 October 2019
Babogaya Lake Viewpoint Lodge, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Rüppell's Starling

lamprotornis purpuroptera
8 November 2019
Amora Gedel Park, Awassa, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Rüppell's Vulture or
Rüppell's Griffon Vulture

Gyps rueppelli
26 October 2019
Ethio-German Park Hotel, Debre Libanos, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Rüppell's weaver

Ploceus galbula
6 September 2018
Goda Mountains, Djibouti
Click HERE

Saddle-billed Stork

Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis
19 November 2014
Xakanaxa, Botswana
Click HERE

Scarlet-chested Sunbird

Chalcomitra senegalensis
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE


Sagittarius serpentarius
20 November 2014
Kalahari, Botswana
Click HERE

Shelley's Sparrow or
Shelley's Rufous Sparrow or
White Nile Rufous Sparrow

Passer shelleyi
2 November 2019
Yabelo Sanctuary, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Shining Sunbird

Cinnyris habessinicus
8 September 2018
Djibouti, Djibouti
Click HERE

Silvery-cheeked Hornbill

Bycanistes brevis
29 October 2019
Wendo Genet Wabe Shebelle Resort Hotel, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Singing Cisticola

Cisticola cantans
26 October 2019
Ethio-German Park Hotel, Debre Libanos, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Somali Bunting or
Somali Golden-breasted Bunting

Emberiza poliopleura
22 October 2019
Awash National Park, Geda Rangers Camp, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Somali Fiscal

Lanius somalicus
22 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Somali Ostrich or
Blue-necked Ostrich

Struthio molybdophanes
27 October 2019
Abidjatta-Shalla National Park HQ area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Sombre Rock Chat

, Oenanthe dubia
21 October 2019
Lake Basaka - North shore, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Southern Carmine Bee-eater

Merops nubicoides
12 November 2014
Savuti Marsh, Botswana
Click HERE

Southern red-billed hornbill (Flying Chili Pepper)

Tockus rufirostris
15 November 2014
Savuti Marsh, Botswana
Click HERE

Southern yellow-billed hornbill (Flying Banana)

Tockus leucomelas
15 November 2014
Savuti Marsh, Botswana
Click HERE

Speckled Mousebird

Colius striatus
20 October 2019
Hora Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Speckled Pigeon or
African Rock Pigeon

Columba guinea
6 September 2018
Goda Mountains, Djibouti
Click HERE

Spot-breasted Lapwing

Vanellus melanocephalus
5 November 2019
Sanetti Plateau, Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Spotted Flycatcher

Muscicapa striata
6 October 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk, Djibouti anchorage
Click HERE

Spotted Palm Thrush or
Spotted Morning-thrush

Cichladusa guttata
4 November 2019
Dust road between Negela and Balé Mountain NP-Genale River Area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Spotted thick-Knee

Burhinus capensis
13 November 2014
Chobe Game Lodge, Botswana
Click HERE

Spur-winged Goose

Plectropterus gambensis
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Spur-winged Lapwing or
Spur-winged Plover

Vanellus spinosus
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Steppe Eagle

Aquila nipalensis
22 November 2014
Kalahari, Botswana
Click HERE

Streaky Seedeater

Crithagra striolatus
5 November 2019
Outside North entrance to Bole Mountain National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Stresemann's Bushcrow

Zavattariornis stresemanni
31 October 2019
Borana Lodge, Oromia, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Striped Kingfisher

Halcyon chelicuti
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Superb Starling

Lamprotornis superbus
27 October 2019
Sabana Beach Resort at Lake Langano, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Swainson's Sparrow

Passer swainsonii
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Tacazze Sunbird

Nectarinia tacazze
26 October 2019
Ethio-German Park Hotel, Debre Libanos, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Tawny Eagle

Aquila rapax
22 November 2014
Kalahari, Botswana
Click HERE

Thekla's Lark

Galerida theklae
25 October 2019
On the road between Debre Birhan and Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Thick-billed Raven

Corvus crassirostris
25 October 2019
Shashamane, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Three-banded Plover or
Three-banded Sandplover

Charadrius tricollaris
27 October 2019
Fish Market in Ziway, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Variable Sunbird or
Yellow-bellied sunbird

Cinnyris venustus
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Verreaux's Eagle-owl

Bubo lacteus
18 November 2014
Okavango Delta, Botswana
Click HERE

Village Indigobird or
Steelblue Widowfinch

Vidua chalybeata
12 November 2019
Sheraton Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Von der Decken's Hornbill

Tockus deckeni
27 October 2019
Sabana Beach Resort atLake Langano, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Vulturine Guineafowl

Acryllium vulturinum
1 November 2019
Yabelo, Elephant Rock, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Wattled Ibis

Bostrychia carunculata
24 October 2019
On the dust road between Ankober and Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Wattled Starling

Creatophora cinerea
23 October 2019
Hallaydeghe Asebot National Park, former Aledeghi Wildlife Reserve, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Western Osprey or
Sea Hawk, River Hawk, Fish Hawk

Pandion haliaetus
11 November 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk on Djibouti anchorage, Djibouti
Click HERE

Western Yellow Wagtail

Motacilla flava
11 October 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk, Djibouti anchorage
Click HERE

White-backed vulture

Gyps africanus
11 November 2014
Chobe Game Lodge, Botswana
Click HERE

White-bellied Canary

Crithagra dorsostriatus
28 October 2019
Sabana Beach Resort at Lake Langano, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-bellied Go-away-Bird

Corythaixoides leucogaster
27 October 2019
Abidjatta-Shalla National Park HQ area, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-billed Starling

Onychognathus albirostris
27 October 2019
Lemi, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-browed Coucal or
Lark-heeled Cuckoo

Centropus superciliosus
24 October 2019
Kassem Sugar Factory, Durufeli village, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-browed Sparrow-weaver

Plocepasser mahali
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-collared Pigeon

Columba albitorques
24 October 2019
Gemessa Gedel, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-crowned lapwing

Vanellus albiceps
13 November 2014
Chobe Game Lodge, Botswana
Click HERE

White-eyed gull

Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus
9 September 2019
Port of Djibouti
Click HERE

White-faced Whistling Duck

Dendrocygna viduata
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-headed Buffalo Weaver or
White-faced Buffalo-weaver

Dinemellia dinemelli
21 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-headed Vulture

Trigonoceps occipitalis
21 October 2019
Along road A7 outside Shashamane, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-throated Bee-eater

Merops albicollis
13 October 2018
On board m/t Ribe Maersk, Djibouti Anchorage
Click HERE

White-winged Cliff Chat

Monticola semirufus
24 October 2019
Aliyu Amba, Ethiopia
Click HERE

White-winged Collared Dove

Streptopelia reichenowi
2 November 2019
Just after having crossed Dawa River, Ormania, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Wood Sandpiper

Tringa glareola
20 October 2019
Chelekleka Lake, Bebre Zeit, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Woodchat shrike

Lanius senator
21 October 2019
Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Woodland Kingfisher

Halcyon senegalensis
18 November 2014
Okavango Delta, Botswana
Click HERE

Yellow-bellied Waxbill

Coccopygia quartinia
6 November 2019
Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Yellow-billed Duck

Anas undulata
24 October 2019
Debre Berhan, Ethiopian
Click HERE

Yellow-billed Kite

Milvus aegyptius
8 September 2018
`As `Ela, Djibouti
Click HERE

Yellow-billed Oxpecker

Buphagus africanus
23 July 2014
Mikumi National Park, Tanzania
Click HERE

Yellow-billed Stork

Mycteria ibis
23 July 2014
Mikumi National Park, Tanzania
Click HERE

Yellow-breasted Barbet

Trachyphonus margaritatu
7 September 2018
Assamo, Djibouti
Click HERE

Yellow-crowned Canary

Serinus flavivertex
25 October 2019
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Yellow-necked Francolin or
Yellow-necked Spurfowl

Pternistis leucoscepus
25 October 2019
Negele, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Yellow-throated serin or
Yellow-throated Seedeater

Crithagra flavigula
24 October 2019
Melka Ghebdu, Ethiopia
Click HERE

Abyssinian Ground Hornbill or Northern Ground Hornbill, Bucorvus abyssinicus

Abyssinian Roller, Coracias abyssinicus

Abyssinian wheatear, Oenanthe lugubris

African Citril, Crithagra citrinelloides, Abyssinian Citril

African darter, Anhinga rufa, snakeBird

African Dusky Flycatcher, Dusky-brown Flycatcher or Dusky Alseonax, Muscicapa adusta

African Fish Eagle, Haliaeetus vocifer

African Grey Hornbill, Lophoceros nasutus

African hawk-eagle, Aquila spilogaster

African Jacana, Actophilornis africanus

African Openbill, Anastomus lamelligerus

African penguin, Spheniscus demersus

African Sacred Ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus

African Silverbill, Euodice cantans

African Stonechat, Saxicola torquatus

African Thrush or West African Thrush, Turdus pelios

African Wattled Lapwing, Vanellus senegallus, Senegal Wattled Plover, Wattled Lapwing

Arabian Bustard, Ardeotis arabs

Augur Buzzard, Buteo augur

Baglafecht Weaver, Ploceus baglafecht

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย

Bateleur Eagle, Terathopius ecaudatus

Bearded Vulture, Gypaetus barbatus, Lammergeier, Lammergeyer

Bearded Woodpecker, Chloropicus namaquus

Beautiful Sunbird, Cinnyris pulchella

Bennett's Woodpecker, Campethera bennettii

Black-billed Barbet, Lybius guifsobalito

Black-crowned Night Heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, นกแขวก

Black-crowned Sparrow-lark, Eremopterix nigriceps

Blackstart, Oenanthe melanura

Black-winged Lovebird, Agapornis taranta, Abyssinian Lovebird

Black-winged Red Bishop, Fire-crowned Bishop, Euplectes hordeaceus

Blanford's Lark or Blanford's Short-toed Lark, Calandrella blanfordi, Erlanger’s lark, Calandrella blanfordi erlangeri, Erlanger's Red-capped Lark, Erlanger's Short-toed Lark, Ethiopian Short-toed Lark

Blue-breasted Bee-eater, Merops variegatus

Blue-naped Mousebird, Urocolius macrourus

Blue-spotted Wood Dove, Turtur afer

Blue-winged Goose, Cyanochen cyanoptera

Bronze Mannikin or Bronze Munia, Lonchura cucullata

Brown snake eagle, Circaetus cinereus

Brown-rumped Seedeater, Crithagra tristriatus

Cape Crow or Black Crow, Corvus capensis

Cape Starling, Lamprotornis nitens

Eastern Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, นกยางควาย, Cattle Egret

Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse, Pterocles exustus

Chestnut-naped Francolin, Pternistis castaneicollis

Cinnamon Bracken Warbler, Bradypterus cinnamomeus

Cinnamon-breasted Bunting or Cinnamon-breasted Rock-bunting, Emberiza tahapisi

Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus, Pycnonotus somaliensis

Ostrich, Common ostrich, Struthio camelus

Common Sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos, Drillsnäppa, イソシギ, นกเด้าดิน

Crested Francolin, Dendroperdix sephaena

Crimson-breasted shrike, Laniarius atrococcineus

Crowned Lapwing or Crowned Plover, Vanellus coronatus

Cut-throat Finch, Amadina fasciata, Bearded Finch, Ribbon Finch, Cut Throat, Weaver Finch

D'Arnaud's Barbet, Trachyphonus darnaudii

Dark Chanting Goshawk, Melierax metabates

Double-toothed Barbet, Lybius bidentatus

Dusky Turtle Dove, Streptopelia lugens

Eastern (pale) Chanting Goshawk or Somali Chanting Goshawk, Melierax poliopterus

Egyptian goose

Egyptian Vulture, Neophron percnopterus

Ethiopian Cisticola, Cisticola lugubris, Abyssinian Black-backed Cisticola, Winding Cisticola

Eurasian Hoopoe, Hoopoe, फाप्रे चरा, Upupa epops

Fan-tailed Raven, Corvus rhipidurus

Fork-tailed Drongo, also called the Common Drongo, African Drongo, or Savanna Drongo, Dicrurus adsimilis

Gabar Goshawk, Micronisus gabar

Gambaga flycatcher, Muscicapa gambagae

Gillett's Lark or Gillett's Bushlark, Mirafra gilletti

Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus, นกช้อนหอยดำเหลือบ

Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo, जलेवा, Great Black Cormorant, Storskarv

Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba

Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor, Varfågel

Great White Pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Eastern White Pelican, Rosy Pelican, White Pelican

Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling, Lamprotornis chalybaeus

Grey Heron, Gråhäger, Ardea cinerea, นกกระสานวล, アオサギ

Grey-backed Fiscal, Lanius excubitoroides

Grey-capped Social Weaver, Pseudonigrita arnaudi

Grey-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus, Grey-hooded Gull

Grey-headed Kingfisher, Halcyon leucocephala

Groundscraper Thrush, Psophocichla litsitsirupa

Hamerkop, Scopus umbretta

Helmeted Guineafowl, Numida meleagris

Hemprich's Hornbill, Lophoceros hemprichii

Heuglin's White-eye or Ethiopian White-eye, Zosterops poliogastrus, Montane White-eye

Lappet-faced Vulture, Nubian Vulture, Torgos tracheliotos

Hooded vulture, Necrosyrtes monachus

Isabelline Shrike, Daurian Shrike, Lanius isabellinus

Isabelline Wheatear, Oenanthe isabellina

Kori bustard, Ardeotis kori

Laughing Dove, Spilopelia senegalensis

Lesser Black-backed Gull, Larus fuscus, Silltrut

Lesser Crested Tern, Thalasseus bengalensis

Lilac-breasted Roller, Coracias caudatus

Little bee-eater, Merops pusillus

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta

Little Rock Thrush, Monticola rufocinereus

Long-billed Pipit or Brown Rock Pipit, Anthus similis

Long-tailed Cormorant, also called Reed Cormorant, Microcarbo africanus

Malachite kingfisher, Corythornis cristatus

Marabou stork, Leptoptilos crumenifer

Mocking Cliff Chat, Mocking Chat or Cliff Chat, Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris

Moorland Chat, Pinarochroa sordida, Alpine Chat, Hill Chat

Mourning Collared Dove, African Mourning Dove, Streptopelia decipiens

Namaqua Dove, Oena Capensis

Nile Valley Sunbird, Hedydipna metallica

Northern Black Flycatcher, Melaenornis edolioides

Northern Black Korhaan, Afrotis afraoides

Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Merops nubicus

Northern Fiscal, Lanius humeralis

Northern Red Bishop or Orange Bishop, Euplectes franciscanus

Northern Red-billed Hornbill, Tockus erythrorhynchus

Northern Wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe, Stenskvätta

Northern White-faced Owl, Ptilopsis leucotis

Ortolan, Emberiza hortulana, Ortolan Bunting, Ortolansparv

Pearl-spotted Owlet, Glaucidium perlatum

Pied Crow, Corvus albus

Pied Kingfisher, Ceryle rudis, นกกะเต็นปักหลัก

Pied Wheatear, Oenanthe pleschanka

Purple Grenadier, Uraeginthus ianthinogaster

Rufous-crowned Roller, Coracias naevius or Purple Roller

Pygmy Falcon, African Pygmy Falcon, Polihierax semitorquatus

Quailfinch, Ortygospiza atricollis

Red-and-yellow Barbet, Trachyphonus erythrocephalus

Red-bellied Parrot, Poicephalus rufiventris

Red-billed Firefinch or Senegal Firefinch, Lagonosticta senegala

Red-billed spurfowl, Pternistis adspersus

Red-breasted Wheatear, Oenanthe bottae

Red-cheeked Cordonbleu, Uraeginthus bengalus

Red-eyed Dove, Streptopelia semitorquata

Red-faced Crombec, Sylvietta whytii, African warbler

Red-knobbed Coot or Crested Coot, Fulica cristata

Reichenow's Seedeater, Crithagra reichenowi

Rose-ringed Parakeet, Psittacula krameri, Ring-necked Parakeet

Rouget's Rail, Rougetius rougetii

Ruff, Calidris pugnax, Brushane

Rüppell's Robin-chat, Cossypha semirufa

Rüppell's Starling, Rueppell's glossy-starling, Rueppell's long-tailed starling, lamprotornis purpuroptera

Rüppell's Vulture or Rüppell's Griffon Vulture, Gyps rueppelli, Rüppell's Griffon, Rueppell's Griffon, Rüppell's Griffin Vulture, Rueppell's Vulture

Rüppell's weaver, Ploceus galbula

Saddle-billed Stork, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis

Scarlet-chested Sunbird, Chalcomitra senegalensis

Secretarybird, Sagittarius serpentarius

Shelley's Sparrow, Passer shelleyi, also known as Shelley's Rufous Sparrow or the White Nile Rufous Sparrow

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus

Silvery-cheeked Hornbill, Bycanistes brevis

Singing Cisticola, Cisticola cantans

Somali Bunting or Somali Golden-breasted Bunting, Emberiza poliopleura

Somali Fiscal, Lanius somalicus

Somali Ostrich, Struthio molybdophanes, Blue-necked Ostrich

Sombre Rock Chat, Oenanthe dubia

Southern Carmine Bee-eater, Merops nubicoides

Southern red-billed hornbill, Flying Chili Pepper, Tockus rufirostris

Southern yellow-billed hornbill, Tockus leucomelas, Flying Banana

Speckled Mousebird, Colius striatus

Speckled Pigeon, Columba guinea, African Rock Pigeon

Spot-breasted Lapwing, Vanellus melanocephalus

Spotted Flycatcher, Muscicapa striata, Grå flugsnappare

Spotted Palm Thrush, Cichladusa guttata, Spotted Morning-thrush

Spotted thick-knee, Burhinus capensis

Spur-winged Goose, Plectropterus gambensis

Spur-winged Lapwing or Spur-winged Plover, Vanellus spinosus

Steppe Eagle, Aquila nipalensis
Thanks to Boas Emmanuel, Oriental Bird Club for identification

Streaky Seedeater, Crithagra striolatus

Stresemann's Bushcrow, Zavattariornis stresemanni, Abyssinian Pie, Bush Crow, Ethiopian Bushcrow

Striped Kingfisher, Halcyon chelicuti

Superb Starling, Lamprotornis superbus

Swainson's Sparrow, Passer swainsonii

Tacazze Sunbird, Nectarinia tacazze

Tawny Eagle, Aquila rapax

Thekla's Lark, Galerida theklae

Thick-billed Raven, Corvus crassirostris

Three-banded Plover or Three-banded Sandplover, Charadrius tricollaris

Variable Sunbird, Yellow-bellied sunbird, Cinnyris venustus

Verreaux's Eagle-owl, Milky eagle owl, Giant eagle owl, Bubo lacteus

Village Indigobird or Steelblue Widowfinch, Vidua chalybeata

Von der Decken's Hornbill, Tockus deckeni

Vulturine Guineafowl, Acryllium vulturinum

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata

Wattled Starling, Creatophora cinerea

Osprey, Western Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, Sea Hawk, River Hawk, Fish Hawk, Fiskgjuse

Western Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla flava, Gulärla

White-backed vulture, Gyps africanus

White-bellied Canary, Crithagra dorsostriatus

White-bellied Go-away-Bird, Corythaixoides leucogaster

White-billed Starling, Onychognathus albirostris

White-browed Coucal or Lark-heeled Cuckoo, Centropus superciliosus

White-browed Sparrow-weaver, Plocepasser mahali

White-collared Pigeon, Columba albitorques

White-crowned lapwing, Vanellus albiceps

White-eyed gull, Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus

White-faced Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna viduata

White-headed Buffalo Weaver or White-faced Buffalo-weaver, Dinemellia dinemelli

White-headed Vulture, Trigonoceps occipitalis

White-throated Bee-eater, Merops albicollis

White-winged Cliff Chat, Monticola semirufus

White-winged Collared Dove, Streptopelia reichenowi

Wood sandpiper, Tringa glareola, นกชายเลนน้ำจืด, Grönbena

Woodchat shrike, Lanius senator

Woodland Kingfisher, Halcyon senegalensis

Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Coccopygia quartinia

Yellow-billed Duck, Anas undulata

Yellow-billed Kite, Milvus aegyptius

Yellow-billed Oxpecker, Buphagus africanus

Yellow-billed Stork, Mycteria ibis

Yellow-breasted Barbet, Trachyphonus margaritatus

Yellow-crowned Canary, Serinus flavivertex

Yellow-necked Spurfowl or Yellow-necked Francolin, Pternistis leucoscepus

Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater, Crithagra flavigula

Pictures by Aladdin

PLEASE! If I have made any mistakes identifying any bird, PLEASE let me know on my guestbook

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