Thai Airways flight TG 318

Saturday 13 th of May 2017 and I spent the afternoon in my room. By the time it was time to go check out I only had one bottle of Pepsi MAX remaining. And I won’t be surprised to learnHoliday Inn Mumbai International Airportthat that one is empty before we reach Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport

To pack my bag took about 5 minutes. A shower and I went down to the reception 10 minutes before 8 o'clock.

I stepped up to the front desk to settle the bill. Rented car and some Snickers.

It came to a total of almost 11000 Rupees and I handed them my AMEX. It took a few minutes to settle the bill and I went out to look for my car. No sign off the car, but they called the garage and my car was soon in front of the hotel.

My bag in to the trunk and we left Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport for the last time. Well, I will most likely be back for some bird watching in a near future and I don't mind staying at Holiday Inn.

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport
Time to check out

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport
Airport next

Well, took us 20 minutes or so to reach Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. I don't know, but I think I will miss Bombay a wee bit. Fantastic bird and nature within reach from Holiday Inn. Next time I will plan ahead so there won’t be any need for looking around. Of course, I have done a little trailblazing this time in Bombay.

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport is a beautiful airport and one of the best I have ever been at. For sure making it high on my TOP 10 list of good airports in the world.

I said good bye to the driver and I went in to the terminal and I had checked in a few minutes later. Now security and immigration. Now I just had to find the lounge. One of the best lounges I have ever been at. The buffet is better than the buffet at Holiday Inn.

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
Arriving to the airport

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
Arriving to the airport

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
Security check

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
I have my own room in the lounge

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
Walking towards the gate

There were millions of people in the security check. But it went pretty quick and I was soon in my own room at the lounge. Eating lasagne having a good time. TG 318 is departing from Gate 78 and I need to look for a Ganesha for my friend.

I bought one here last time and every time he is in my apartment he is admiring the Ganesha. So I left the lounge one hour before departure time to go have a look. Turned out that the shop was just next to the gate. I bought two different Ganesha and I went to the gate to wait for boarding. I killed time speaking to a couple from Australia.

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
I found the Ganesha

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
I found the Ganesha

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
The gate is just next to the Ganesha shop

Thai Aairways flight TG 318
Finally on board

Thai Aairways flight TG 318
Safety video

They had some problem with the AC and we were delayed by 30 minutes. As soon as we were airborne I made my seat in to a bed and I slept all the way to Bangkok. I went to the old priority line when we arrived to Suvarnabhumi. One security guy came and told me that I was the only foreigner in the Thai citizen line.

I told him that this was the priority line. He showed me to the other side and I discovered a new priority line and I was through immigration in a jiff. I was home at 7 and I went to bed with my alarm set to go off at 10. I booked an AOT limousine to pick me up 7 o'clock tonight. Click HERE to see if I spot any leopards on Sri Lanka.

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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