Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Friday 20 th of October 2017 and I was dead tired when the alarm went off at 5. I was so tired that I skipped the bird watching. And this is my third trip with South Sea Cruises/ AwesomeAwesome Adventures FijiAdventures Fiji. And it is also the third time I have to take a taxi to Port Denarau Marina as the courtesy bus neverarrived. Good luck trying to claim the taxi money!

I boarded the boat and there were not so many passengers so it looked to be a nice tour to the island, first stop, some 25 minutes away. We arrived and there were 2 small boats waiting for us and we were on the beach a few minutes later.

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
The are coming to pick us up

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
The are coming to pick us up

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
It is a very small island

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Boarding the boat

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
On our way

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
On our way

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
On our way

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Coming ashore on South Sea Island

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Coming ashore on South Sea Island

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Coming ashore on South Sea Island

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Welcome sing and dance

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
South Sea Island

It was a very small island, walking across was done in 2 minutes. 20 trees and bushes and many Red-vented Bulbuls, the only kind of bird I could see on the island. 9 thirty and I will board the boat to go back to Port Denarau Marina at 11 thirty. So it looks to be a perfect day, snorkelling and I will be out of here again before I have a chance to get bored.

I took out my underwater camera and snorkelling mask for my back pack and I went to look for a place to keep my back pack while I was snorkelling.

I went to the dive shop and I got a pair of fins and I was off to the beach to go look for Nemo

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
I'm in the water

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

I never found Nemo, but it was a nice swim. After a few minutes I had 2 big fishes swimming around me. It became more and more fishes by the minute and when I left there was a big school of big fishes around me. They were swimming in circles around me and they didn't seemed to be scared. I saw some fishes that I had never seen before and I was very happy with the swim.

This is the way to do the DAY TRIPs here on Fiji. In and out, no time to get bored and 2 hours on the island was just perfect. We had a little bit of wind and the boat was delayed by 30 minutes due to the wind. I walked around looking at the Red-vented Bulbuls and I helped people taking their pictures on the beach. 12 o’clock and it was time to leave.

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Massage Bure on South Sea Island

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Time to leave

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
The boat is waiting for us

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Approaching the boat

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Approaching the boat

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Approaching the boat

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise

Fiji day trip - Finding Nemo Cruise
Leaving South Sea Island behind

I was back at the hotel around 1 o’clock. I had stopped to buy more camembert and smoked salmon, so now I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully not have to buy any more smoked salmon until I'm back in Auckland, New Zealand on Monday evening.

I wanted to walk along the Resort Drive in the afternoon. On the map it looks like the road is going around the Denarau Golf & Racquet Club and all the resorts is located along the Resort Drive. I spotted the Vanikoro flycatcher and the Red Avadavat as soon as I got down to the Resort Drive. Walking up the Resort Drive and I was soon seeing the Sulphur-breasted Myzomela.

From there on it wa snot much birds around until I came to the end of the paved road. On th emap it looks like you can drive around the whole area in a car. But when you walk south on the West side you are soon coming to an end of the road. There is a gravel path through the golf court but for golf cars only. Of course you can walk.

There were quite a lot of birds at the Denarau Golf & Racquet Club, but nothing I ha dnot seen alot of already. Common and Jungle Mynas, polynesian Trillers and the Fiji Parrotfinches and Red Avadavat eating in the grass. I remember the first time I saw the Fiji Parrotfinch and the Red Avadavat. I was so excited, but now it is just “there is another one”

Seems like the Egret/ Herons and the waders like to hang out here at the Denarau Golf & Racquet Club during high water. Same as the Pelicans in Bombay, during the high water they were up at the pumping station. At low water they were all on the mud flats eating.

Birding/ Bird watching at Denarau Golf & Racquet Club, Fiji
Denarau Golf & Racquet Club

Birding/ Bird watching at Denarau Golf & Racquet Club, Fiji
Denarau Golf & Racquet Club

Birding/ Bird watching at Denarau Golf & Racquet Club, Fiji
Fiji Parrotfinches and Red Avadavat eating in the grass on the golf court

Birding/ Bird watching at Denarau Golf & Racquet Club, Fiji
Fiji Parrotfinches and Red Avadavat eating in the grass on the golf court

Birding/ Bird watching at Denarau Golf & Racquet Club, Fiji
Red Avadavat

Birding/ Bird watching at Denarau Golf & Racquet Club, Fiji
Highwater and the golf court is full of Plovers

Vanikoro flycatcher, Myiagra vanikorensis
Male Vanikoro flycatcher

I ran in to my friend the Pacific Reef Egret again, he got scared and took off, very very slowly so I would have had no problem taking pictures of the beautiful bird. But I was just looking hoping for the bird to land close by. Then BOOM!! The Pacific Reef Egret was attacked by a Fiji Woodswallow and the bird disappeared.

Seems like the Pacific Reef Egret are unlucky with the swallows her eon Fiji. Same with me, I'm unlucky and I never got any pictures. Passing the tree with the Angry birds from yesterday and I was under attack again. I stayed there for a while before I walked back to Westin Denarau Island Resort and I decided to skip the smoked salmon and to go have dinner at the restaurant.

I asked for AC seating and they told me that I had to go to Sheraton for fine dining. Well, what to say, but I have been to Sheraton (Not on Fiji) and this must be the most overrated place in the world. Expensive and the food really leaves very much to wish for so I avoid Sheraton.

They asked me if I had a reservation looking on the computer screen
- I live on the hotel so there should be a table available for me
- OK, she said and she took me to a table.

The food here at Westin Denarau Island Resort was OK, but 100 US Dollars for a meal is a wee bit hefty. But it was good, but the whipped cream was a disappointment so I will never ask for whipped cream here again. But the rest of the food was very good. Kitchen Grill as they call their signature restaurant. And I see their cook uniforms saying both The Westin and Sheraton so they might have some co-operation. On Westin's web page they say: For more dining venues, head to the Sheraton Fiji Resort for Feast and fine dining restaurants Flying Fish Fiji and Ports O’Call, or the Sheraton Denarau Villas for poolside dining at The Wet Edge.

Westin Denarau Island Resort
Sun is setting outside the Kitchen Grill

Westin Denarau Island Resort - Kitchen Grill
Westin Denarau Island Resort - Kitchen Grill on the beach

Westin Denarau Island Resort
Sun is setting outside the Kitchen Grill

I felt really bad when I left Kitchen Grill. Always the same, eating good and I always feel bad when I'm leaving. Should have stayed in my room with my smoked salmon and tea. But from now on, no more restaurants, at least not until next time. Anyway, I'm off to bed, alarm is set to go off at 5 o’clock and they will pick me up at 9 o'clock for a cruise with the Whales Tale Schooner. Click HERE to find out how this adventure turns out.

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