Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Saturday 21 st of October 2017 and my alarm went of at 5 o'clock. Tea and oatmeal and as I had seen all the birds in the area I decided to skip the bird watching and to relax until it was time to leave for the Whale's Tale Cruise

Pick up time 09:00 Westin Denarau Island Resort and I was early on the curb waiting for the pick-up van. My breakfast was very quick, Saturday and I don't know if they make fresh bread in the restaurant. Have been excellent bread everyday but today it was not fresh. First I thought it was a mistake so I went to get another bread, same, not fresh so I never had any bread and thus I never spend much time in the restaurant.

The van arrived quarter past 9 and we were about 6 passengers from our hotel. We stopped to pick up one more passenger at the resort next to us. I asked the driver how many passengers there would be on the boat.
- Today we will be 45 passengers and the boat can take 75

45 passengers sounds like a lot on the small boat, but we will see. If there is too many I will get off again and skip the Whale's Tale Cruise.

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Coming down to the boat

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Coming down to the boat

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Coming down to the boat

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Waiting for departure

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Approaching “OUR” island - Savala Island

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Approaching “OUR” island - Savala Island

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Savala Island, my new snorkelling site

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
First boat going ashore

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
We are on the way to the beach

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
We are on the way to the beach

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Leaving Whale's Tale Schooner behind

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Coming ashore on Savala Island

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
I'm ashore on Savala Island

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

It took us one and half to two hours to reach Savala Island. They had served snacks and drinks on the way here. I had a bottle of water only. Time was turning kind of quick. We dropped the anchor and we were so many passengers so they needed to go two times with the boat.

I was in the last boat and when we came ashore they had a information meeting and as I could not hear what they were saying I went to look for flippers. I have my own mask and snorkel so I onlySnorkelling on Savala Island, Fijineed the flippers. I got a pair of 46 to 48 flippers and I went down to the water.

Rocks and dead corals in the sand, and of course, plus the heat so it was painful to walk in the sand. But as soon as I started to swim it was verySnorkelling on Savala Island, Fijinice. When I went in on the South side of the island they told me to go to the North side as all the others where on that side. And that I should join the group, yeah, fat chance!
- Why would I like to swim with 45 other people? I want to be alone

I started to swim towards West and I rounded the island, well, more like an islet, and I came back on the North side of the island. I could see the people leaving the water so I guessed it was lunch time. Good, I have the South Pacific Sea for myself.

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise

I was on the west side when they came to tell me that it was lunch time.
- I eat later!
- It is lunch now!
- I eat when I'm back at the hotel
- Lunch is served now!
- I don't want any lunch
- Get up here, good place to come up! He said pointing at the sand beach

I got up, the guy didn't leave me alone and I came up, and as I had expected, some 3 $ buffet, really nothing I like to eat. I had 2 sausages and I was now sitting there waiting for the boat to return to Port Denarau Marina. It was a good trip, a wee bit too long on the boat, but if you have never been on a boat before I can understand the excitements.

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
We're going back to Whale's Tale Schooner leaving Savala Island behind

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
We're going back to Whale's Tale Schooner leaving Savala Island behind

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
We're going back to Whale's Tale Schooner leaving Savala Island behind

Fiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruise
Entertainment when we're going back to Port Denarau Marina

The snorkelling was good and now I have finished 3 day trips on Fiji doing the stuff you should doFiji day trip - Whale's Tale Cruisewhen on Fiji, visiting islands. Now I have been at 3 Fiji islands, enough for a life time.
1) Kuata Island
2) South Sea Island
3) Savala Island

So now I just want to get back to my hotel and I was happy when we boarded the boat. 2 hours trip again, but the time passed quite quickly and we were back at Port Denarau Marina just after 5 o'clock. I can recommend a day trip with Whale's Tale Cruise if you ever come to Fiji. I took a taxi back to Westin Denarau Island Resort.

Back at Westin Denarau Island Resort and I went to Rosie Holidays to ask about the ECO park. It is like a zoo and nothing got me. We talked about this and that and suddenly she told me that she might be able to arrange a trip to Koroyanitu National Park. First few calls was negative, it is Sunday tomorrow and the people in the village will go to church and they won't open the park.


Located north of Nadi just 15 km outside the ‘sugar city’ of Lautoka is the beautifully preserved Abaca village. Abaca is centrally located within the Koroyanitu National Park which is home to select species of endangered birds such as the (Ptilinopus luteovirens) known as the Golden Dove, the (Falco peregrinus) known the Peregrine Falcon and many more.

The Koroyanitu National Park is one of the oldest national parks in the South Pacific Region. It is only a short drive from Nadi, but feels a world away from the hustle and bustle of the Viti Levu’s busy coastal towns. The trails through the park wind their way through native “Dakua” Pacific Kauri forests and grass lands, and on to beautiful jagged peaks clad in alpin lichens and rolling mists.

There are six small and largely self-sufficient villages within the park that cooperate as part of a conservation project intended to protect Fiji’s only unlogged tropical montane forest.

Visit for more information

She called around and I asked her to call my room when she get any answer. I was drinking tea eating smoked salmon when she called. She had found a guy and we will leave tomorrow morning atRosie Holidays Fiji04:15. I went to Rosie Holidays at 7 thirty to meet the guy.

It was a nice guy and we will leave at 04:15 and we will pick up a Guid eon the way. I went back to my room and I was soon in bed.

My alarm will soon go off and I had asked the reception to wake me up at 03:45. So I was excited to go to the Koroyanitu National Park for a last chance to get some bird pictures of the birds I have missed. I have had a great time here on Fiji, but the bird watching have been a disappointment.

Many birds I have seen but failed to get any good pictures.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully tomorrow, my last chance to get pictures, click HERE to find out how it goes.

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