Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island

Monday 16 th of October 2017 and my alarm went off at 5 o'clock. My plan is to go look for birds before we take off for the shark swim. There were plenty birds around the resort area. And itFiji travel posterseems like there are many Silvereyes. I can hear them everywhere around theFiji travel posterresort. I also spotted a few of the Vanikoro flycatchers in the tress behind my tent. I had not brought my player but I will do it tomorrow to try to get closer to the birds.

I spotted a Pacific Kingfisher sitting in the top of a tree. I climbed up the hill and I discovered that it was tree Pacific Kingfishers sitting in the tree. 7 o'clock and it was time to go for breakfast and it was really good to have some tea. Can't wait to get back to Westin where I can make tea in my room.

I had omelette and their home-made bread with my tea and I was feeling good when I left for my tent. Soon time to go to the dive shop for departure to the reef at 8 thirty.

Vanikoro flycatcher, Myiagra vanikorensis
Female Vanikoro flycatcher

Vanikoro flycatcher, Myiagra vanikorensis
Female Vanikoro flycatcher

Vanikoro flycatcher, Myiagra vanikorensis
Female Vanikoro flycatcher

Pacific Kingfisher
Pacific Kingfisher

I was at the dive shop at 8 thirty and we were soon on our way to a reef some 20 minutes away.Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata IslandIn the middle of the ocean and there was a reef known for its White Tip Sharks. I jumped in to the water and I was soon spotting the first shark.

There were two sharks swimming around and I had time to get a very good look at the beautiful animal. There was also a long fish that was sucking onVanikoro flycatcher, Myiagra vanikorensisto me, like the fish you see on sharks, whales and even the turtles.

This was a beautiful experience and it is a recommended activity if you ever come down here to Fiji. Spend at least one day coming to the sharks.

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
We are ready to go snorkelling

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
No capitation needed

We left the reef after an hour or so. Back to Barefoot Kuata Island and the Barefoot Kuata Resort. I will have a Guided walk to the summit in the afternoon, but it will be for bird watching only. As I told them, never mind if we reach the summit, first of all we want to see birds. I felt asleep and I didn't woke up until 2 o'clock, lunch was over. But they brought me a plate, a brimmed plate and I could not eat it all.

I could see the boat leaving with passengers for the bigger boat when I walked to the reception to meet my guide. We started to walk and we spotted a lot of Silver eyes everywhere. We walked through the bushes and suddenly we heard a loud “ croak croak ” and it was a Pacific Kingfisher sitting in the bushes. The bird took off to the top of the tree when we stopped to have a look.

Swimming with sharks on Fiji - Barefoot Kuata Island
15 thirty and passengers leaving for the boat back to Nadi

Bird watching on Barefoot Kuata Island
We start walking towards the summit to see if we can find any birds

Bird watching on Barefoot Kuata Island - Pacific Kingfisher
Pacific Kingfisher

Silvereye or Wax-eye, Zosterops lateralis
Silvereye or Wax-eye

We passed a mango tree and we tried the fruit, it was OK, but a few days more to get really ripe and sweet. Seems like here is 3 birds on the island, the Silvereye, Pacific Kingfisher and the Vanikoro flycatcher. Of course, plenty swallows. So Barefoot Kuata Island might not be the best bird watching destination.

Just before it was time to call it a day I spotted a pigeon landing in a bush/ tree outside my tent. So that is one more bird they have here on the island.

Bird watching on Barefoot Kuata Island
A pigeon outside my tent

Well, yet another day on Barefoot Kuata Island have come to an end. Dinner and I was off to my tent. Trying fall asleep, a beautiful tent, but it will be nice to get some AC tomorrow night. Actually, I will live in proper hotel from now on. Hot showers and AC, the tent here is really nice, but there is hardly no water coming out form the shower.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the shark adventure tomorrow and if we're lucky there might be some dramatic footage form the reef. Will our Hero be killed by angry sharks? Will the sharks think that I'm a floating meatloaf trying to eat me thinking they have food for months to come?

You will soon find out, just click HERE and you will be in the middle of that adventure in a jiff. But first some bird watching to start the day before breakfast.

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