OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
M/T Roy Maersk
Singapore anchorage 22nd of October 2016 - Picture by Aladdin

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Wednesday 1 st of February 2017 and my alarm went off at 5 o'clock, so there is plenty time before the taxi come to pick me up at 5 thirty

The car was waiting for me when I brought down my garbage. The Driver came back up with me and my bag was soon in the back of his car. Light traffic and I was in Thai Airways lounge 1 hour after leaving home, so it was very quick even though I had to stop in the tax free to buy fags for one of the Engineers on board Roy Maersk.

I spent about 2 hours in the lounge before it was time to go to board Thai Airways flight TG 321 to Dhaka. Departing from Gate D1a so I knew that we had to go by bus. And they had alreadySuvarnabhumi International Airport - Gate D1astarted to line up at the gate when I arrived. I had asked for an empty seat next to me when I checked-in and the girl had told me she should do her best.

There were plenty empty seats, but if someone requested the seat number next to me there was nothing she could do. Well, we were soon on the bus, biz is boarding firs and there was quite a few passengers so I started to worry about the seat next to me. But when we came on board biz was almost empty, seems like most of theSuvarnabhumi International Airport - Gate D1apassengers boarded with the biz passengers were sitting in the back. I didn't mind, I was almost alone and as the Steward told me.
- You are in a excellent mood!

I was sitting down enjoying myself, OK, Thai Airways is not like Singapore Airlines where you can start the entertainment as soon as you sit down in your seat. Thai have a different approach to entertainment, you cannot start the video until you're airborne. And we were a few minutes late when we taxi out to the runway. We were soon airborne and I started to watch a movie.

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Boarding Thai Airways flight TG 321 to Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Boarding Thai Airways flight TG 321 to Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Boarding Thai Airways flight TG 321 to Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Boarding Thai Airways flight TG 321 to Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Boarding Thai Airways flight TG 321 to Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Biz is almost empty

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Yes, I want TWO tea as soon as we're in the air

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Planes waiting to take off behind us

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Planes waiting to take off behind us

Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Earl Grey

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Bring it on!

Thai Airways flight TG 321 from Bangkok to Dhaka
Excellent food

We were airborne with Suvarnabhumi disappearing behind and below us and they had soon brought Earl Grey tea. Mus have been a misunderstanding, they only brought one cup. I had been given very specific instructions when I asked for my Earl Grey tea.

They were soon back with two cups and I was watching a pretty bad movie while waiting for the food. I used the FFW function quite often. The food was excellent as always on board Thai Airways. I had several cups of tea and suddenly the announced that we were descending to Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Arriving around 12 thirty and flight BG 27, Biman Bangladesh Airlines to Chittagong's Shah Amanat International Airport leaves at 16:00. So I will have to kill some time on Dhaka’s airport.

Descending and I could see that it was very dusty over Bangladesh and when we came closed to Dhaka I was quite happy that I live in Bangkok and not in Dhaka. The city looked very dusty andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdirty. But never mind, people still had their laundry hanging out for drying and I was thinking about the laundry in Varanasi.

They laundry was just lying on the dirty ground for drying. Cows and I don't know what just walked around all over the laundry.

Approaching Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Approaching Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Approaching Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Approaching Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Approaching Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

Approaching Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport

We landed at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport in Dhaka around 12 forty local time, 1 hour time difference from Bangkok. I lined up in the immigration and when it was finally my turn they told me to go to the Visa on arrival counter. And the line was almost at a full stop at the desk.

But when it was my turn it went pretty quick, letter of guarantee and a OK to board letter and I got my stamp and I went to get my bag. My bag had been unattended at belt #2. There were a few bags and I was relieved to see a Thai Airways employee guarding the luggage. Obviously know that it takes a long time at the immigration.

I grabbed my bag and I went to the domestic terminal and I had several friendly Police/ Military helping me finding the way. I was at Biman Bangladesh Airlines check in at 3 o'clock. The friendly staff told me that they didn't open the check in for Biman flight BG 27 to Chittagong.

I sat down using the free internet on the airport. Crappy airport, looking like something from the 60's but free internet. Something many other more modern airport can learn from. Friendly people and the girl in the check-in gave me a seat in my own row of seats.

Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
My bag are still at belt #2

Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Walking to the domestic terminal

Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Biman Bangladesh Airlines check in

Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Biman Bangladesh Airlines check in

American Express lounge - Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
American Express lounge in the domestic departure hall

American Express lounge - Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
American Express lounge in the domestic departure hall

American Express lounge - Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
American Express lounge in the domestic departure hall

American Express lounge - Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
I never tried the food

I asked the girl in the check-in if the flight was full and she had told me that it was VERY VERY empty. So I was in a good mood when I went to the security. No passport or anything was asked for and I passed the security. They asked about my electronic cigarettes as they were looking like pistols on the x-ray screen.

Not much people in the departure hall, and there were for sure not much entertainment on offer. I discovered an American Express lounge and I went in. There was no excitements, some self-service food stall but I never tried the food. I had a bottle of water and a few crackers that didn't tasted like “more”

But it was nice to leave the buzzle and buzz in the departure hall and to sit down in a comfy sofa. I was soon discovering that they had a different system with the departure information. On other airports they have a monitor with departure time, flight # and gate etc. At Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport domestic terminal they had a different approach. They had a guy coming in to American Express lounge screaming what I think was the departure details.

I could not really hear what he was saying, I only catch a very few words, flight, gate and maybe the 2 letters in the flight number. He was in the lounge every 10 minutes screaming and I had already given up trying to hear what he was saying after the second time.

So yes, I was keeping an eye on my wrist watch while reading the news on my phone. Drinking my water munching on crappy crackers. Yes, sometimes you just know that you will regret it after theAmerican Express lounge - Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airportfirst bite. And this time it was not any regrets because of my diet. The crackers gave me an after taste in my mouth that I won't call a pleasant one.

The food was for sure nothing I was going to try and I was getting hungry. I went out in the departure hall and there was a kiosk, they were selling chocolate bars and I bought a few of them.

It was 800++ Scooby Doo dollars, or 2 US dollars. I handed them my Master Card, but cash only. Thai money not accepted so I had to give up theDietchocolate bars. Very good for my diet.

So I was still hungry and I have been flying tow times already with Biman Bangladesh Airlines from Chittagong to Dhaka and I know thatBiman Bangladesh Airlinesthere will be no food. Just a sponge cake and the smallest bag of peanuts I have ever seen. Well, the flight is 30 minutes or so, so there is no time to serve anything.

First time I was flying with Biman Bangladesh Airlines I was, well, scared more than usual. I have only heard bad thingsBiman Bangladesh Airlinesabout the airline.

Bangladesh, I have heard nothing good about the place. But the service is very good and super friendly and helpful people. Now I don't talk about the people wanting to help you with your bag saying money, the only word they know in English.

But all my experience from Biman Bangladesh Airlines and Bangladesh have been super friendly and helpful people. And the bus taking us to the airplane on the tarmac, maybe the best bus ever.

A small cabin for the driver and the back of the bus was like a lounge with a sofa going around the bus with only a gap where the door was. When the sofa was full the bus took off. No waiting for the bus to be so full so it would have been impossible to close the door as they do at some airports. So I enjoyed the 4 minutes trip to the aircraft that was going to take us to Chittagong.

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 777-300ER at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Biman Bangladesh Airlines ready to take off

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 737-800 at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Boarding Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 737-800 at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Boarding Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 737-800 at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Boarding Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 737-800 at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Boarding Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 737-800 at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Boarding Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 737-800 at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport
Boarding Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong

Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong
Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong

There were quite a few passengers and I sent a thank you thought to the girl at the check in for having given me an empty row. And extension was asked for when I stepped in to the aircraft. TheBiman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in ChittagongStewardess told me that the belts was pretty generous. Well, they were not generous enough for me so I had to ask one of the crew for an extension. My row was empty so I took the middle seat, easier to take pictures out of the window.

When I checked in I had asked for a seat on the right hand side as this would give me a good sight over the river and Roy Mærsk when we flew in to Chittagong airport just next to the jetty. I felt asleep and I woke up by the hullabaloo when they brought the snacks. I looked at my wrist watch, 16:40. We were still on the tarmac
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis going on?

I asked the Steward coming with my peanuts what was going on. Scheduled departure time was 16:00. He told me that it was an hour late. At 17:20 I pushed the Stewardess button. I had already finished my snacks, disappeared like an aspirin. I would not mind having one more bag ofBiman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagongpeanuts, but I called to ask what was going on.

The President is out flying and all planes are grounded. I could see red carpets and stuff from the buss when we were going to the plane.

We were more than 90 minutes late when we finally left Dhaka. Up in the air and they started the entertainment system and I played some games on the screen in the back of the seat in front of me.

It was too dark to see anything when we approached Chittagong airport. I could not see Roy Mærsk on the river when we flew over the river. We landed a minute after having passed the river and we were bouncing down the runway.

Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong

Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 27 to Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong
Bouncing down the runway

Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong
Waiting for my Samsonite

Shah Amanat Airport in Chittagong
Waiting for my Samsonite

My new Samsonite came on the luggage band, I was almost missing the bag as the orange belt was missing. Second belt I miss on a flight and I will not buy any more luggage belts for my suitcases. Excellent for recognising the bag, but they always fall of, a waste of money.

I took my bag and I left the terminal keeping an eye out for someone with my name on a placard. I could see no placard but when I came out there was a guy screaming
- CHIEF!!! Don't you recognise me?

It was the same guy that had left me at the airport when I signed off. He told me that we had to go to a hotel and I asked when the ship was expected to come alongside. He told me that we would join on the anchorage tomorrow morning. The ship had been anchored since I left the ship last time in Chittagong. This sounded incredible.

But they had to leave the jetty last time I was here. No discharging as there was some problems with the payment. So they have been waiting for 11 weeks doing nothing, good for Maersk, they get paid every day. But is must have been boring to stay on board for 11 weeks with nothing to do

He took me to his car and the Driver was going to take me to the hotel as he had to wait forYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmore people arriving with a later flight. So we left for the hotel and I was hungry and I was looking forward to their spaghetti and hot chocolate.

On the “highway” from Chittagong airport


On the “highway” from Chittagong airport

On the “highway” from Chittagong airport

No light, no nothing on the buss

Downtown Chittagong

It took us 90 minutes to drive the few kilometres to the hotel. The traffic was at a full stop most of the way. But it was nice when I stepped in to the hotel and the staff recognised me.ChittagongThey asked if I had found any Diet Pepsi.

Yeah, they remember the drama from last time I was here looking for Diet Pepsi everywhere. And I had no luck finding any Diet Pepsi.

I sat up my IT centre in my cabin and I was off to the restaurant to order spaghetti, hot chocolate and paratha bread. Last time it was 2 hours of waiting for a simple spaghetti. This time it seemed like they had a manger keeping track of the orders and I was surprised when I got my spaghetti. The paratha bread didn’t come until I had my second pot of hot chocolate in front of me.

We had agreed on meeting in the reception at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, but the Agent calledHotel in Chittagongme later in the evening and told me that we would meet at 9 instead. I was in bed at 10 and I was soon calling the reception. A lot of children was running around and people were screaming so I could not sleep.

They asked me to wait a minute and, well, nothing happening with the noise and I had to open myHotel in Chittagongdoor and scream to them to be quiet. Then I could sleep.

Thursday 2 nd of February 2017
and my alarm went off at 7. I was quick to hit snooze and after 2 times I sat the alarm to 7 thirty. A shower and as I know from previous experience that the breakfast at the hotel is very bad I didn't look forward to my breakfast. Toast and hot chocolate and I was back in my room.

I wa sin the reception quarter to nine after having rejected help from 3 different staff members that wanted to help me with my bag. The Agent brought me a SIM card and it was quite a fuzz before we got the internet to work. Our new Chief Engineer had also bought a SIM card.

The Agent had told us that it works just fine on the anchorage, and we didn’t know for how long we will stay here waiting. Maybe another few months. We have 3 Filipino crew joining with me and the Chief Engineer so 2 cars was needed. The Filipino crew had left when we left the hotel behind. We took off on the dusty roads of Chittagong.

Driving through downtown Chittagong

Driving through downtown Chittagong

We drove through a dusty Chittagong with all kind of vehicles on the road. Garbage all over the place and suddenly the Agent told us that we were at the #1 tourist place. What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stIt looked like a garbage dump, but this was a very famous place for tourists.

He explained that the place was popular with tourists from Bangladesh and only Cox's Bazar wasCox Bazarmore famous. Seriously, I had been thinking about a day or two at Cox's Bazar. But these plans was out the window as soon as I saw this place.

Sundarbans, most of the area is actually in Bangladesh so I have had plans to go there, and while in Bangladesh I would of course go to have a look at Cox Bazar. But I guess I survive without seeing Cox's Bazar. The main feature seems to be a long sand beach.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stFrom Wikipedia: The beach in Cox's Bazar is an unbroken 120 km sandy sea beachYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwith a gentle slope, one of the world's longest. Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

And if is is 120km on unbroken garbage filled sand beach, well, then it is just sad. We got out of the car, and we will take a boat from the sand beach out to Roy Mærsk. We had not even come out from the car before we were surrounded by people wanting to sell stuff for us.

No sign of any tourists they can sell their stuff to. We met the Filipino crew and we walked down to the beach. And there were people selling peanuts, wanting to take and sell pictures to us.

Chittagong #1 tourist spot

Souvenir shops

Souvenir shops at this #1 tourist hot spot

They were all trying to sell something

My new Samsonite
And by now you can guess how we're coming out to Roy Mærsk


Everyone wants pictures

Looks like a bunch of shipwrecked walking along the beach


My new Samsonite handles the terrain very well


Looks like a bunch of shipwrecked walking along the beach


My new Samsonite is first out

A portable bridge will get us on the boat



The boat is heavy loaded so the whole beach helped to push us out on deeper water

Leaving Chittagong behind

Leaving Chittagong behind

We looked like a bunch of shipwrecked when we walked along the beach. I have never signed on like this before so this was a new experience for me. And I liked it, it is 2017 and we still have places like this in the world. This is how I imagine signing on 50 years ago or more would be like. We had two boats, we were 3 in my boat and they were 2 plus the luggage in the other boat.

We were soon able to see Roy Mærsk through the haze and I asked the driver to adjust the course a wee bit so I could get pictures. I also wanted to take a tour around the ship to have a look at the coating. She was in dry dock 2 years ago and hull still looks good.

Roy Maersk/ Roy Mærsk
We can see Roy Mærsk

Roy Maersk/ Roy Mærsk
We can see Roy Mærsk

Roy Maersk/ Roy Mærsk
We take a tour around to check the top coat

Roy Maersk/ Roy Mærsk
We take a tour around to check the top coat

Roy Maersk/ Roy Mærsk
We take a tour around to check the top coat

We took a round to check the top coat, it looked good and we aimed for the accommodation ladder. It was a little planning to get off the small boat to avoid any capsizing. But I was on deck between 10 and 10 thirty. Let the adventure begin!

February 2017 - Signing on at Chittagong roads

March 2017

April 2017

Signing off for a weekend in Singapore

I joined M/T Roy Mærsk on the 2nd of February 2017 on the roads of Chittagong. We did the following voyages before I signed off 28th of April 2017 in Singapore.

Voy No.
Load Port
Discharge Port



3 parcels of Fuel Oil
1) 3800MT
2) 3800MT
3) 7125MT

I sign off, Tiger safari next. Well, first some whale watching in Bangkok

I join the ship again, they have been anchored for 11 weeks without discharging the cargo

We discharge the cargo to FSU Fortune Star in Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia


Kerteh Marine Terminal

170 000 Bbls LSWR

Sungai Udang Port, Melaka


Sungai Udang Port, Melaka

80 000 + 10% Bbls FO

Singapore for order

STS with FSU Amity Star at
Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia


STS with FSU CS Brilliance at
Batu Pahat, Malaysia
as Romø Mærsk took that voyage

New Plymouth, New Zealand

192 - 193 000 Bbls crude oil

6 Parcels of crude oil, 131 000 Bbls +/- 5%


HappyI will sign off


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