Suvarnabhumi International

Tuesday 10 th of November 2016 and time to take off for yet another adventure. And I have made yet another active choice to leave Bangkok International Airport, Suvarnabhumi on another airline than Thai Airways. I will fly to Denpasar on Bali, Ngurah Rai International via Singapore's ChangiBali Travel PosterInternational Airport with Singapore Airlines flight SQ973. Leaving Singapore International on Singapore Airlines SQ946.

I have to change to Terminal 2 in Singapore so it is not as convenient as a direct flight. But I will have the time to have a Diet Pepsi in the lounge at Changi International. But the reason toBali travel posterfly with SQ is that the Thai Airways and the Thai government won't make any money from me.

Well, they don't need to make any money from me as they make a lot of money scamming tourists on the national park entrance fees. So at least it have paid off trying to scam me.

I booked the car to come pick me up at 6 o'clock when I arrived to Suvarnabhumi from Phuket last Saturday. AOT Limousine service is excellent, but I really don't want to experience another “booking on the phone” session. Why on earth don't they have an online booking with a confirmation?

I was going to meet my friend Sunday night and I was back home 8 thirty or so. I went to bed and I slept for 14 hours so I had to have a sleeping pill yesterday in order to fall asleep in a goodAOT Limousinetime as my alarm clock was set to go off at 5 o'clock this morning. But I was awake by 2 o'clock and it was not possible to fall asleep again.

Time turned quick and it was a few minutes after 6 when I came down. The driver was waiting for me and we were soon on our way. And it was raining, I had heard the rain since 2 o'clock in the morning.

Surprisingly much traffic when we left Sukhumvit Soi 23 behind us. But it was no stops so we were kind of hauling arse to Suvarnabhumi. Singapore Airways is gate 5 but this oneAOT Limousinewas closed so we had to stop at gate 6.

Coming in to the terminal building and I was surprised on how much people there were at this early time in the morning I went to row K where Singapore Airlines had their check-in.

Millions of people, but this was for a Chinese airline and as soon as I had passed them I came to Singapore Airlines check-in. No people in the check-in line so this was a very quick task. I was in an excellent mood when I left the check-in desk.

Suvarnabhumi International
Arriving to Suvarnabhumi

Suvarnabhumi International
I was lucky not to fly with that airline

Suvarnabhumi International
I was lucky not to be in that line

Suvarnabhumi International
Passing the tax free shops on my way to the SilverKris lounge

Priority line through security and immigration and I was soon in Singapore Airlines lounge with 2 cups of Earl Grey tea. The internet was not working so I was lucky to have my AIS number. IAIS super wifihave had my mobile number with them for 17 years so I just sent an SMS and I had free access to their SUPER WIFI. Pretty nifty!

Time turned quick and it was soon time to leave for Gate D2 and Singapore Airlines flight SQ973 to Singapore. They had just started the boarding and I was soon in my seat, and Singapore Airlines, always a bottle of water between the seats. So no need for Champagne and juice.

The girl that I met in the lounge earlier in the morning was in the seat in front of me. I had made a tit out of myself at the breakfast “buffet ” in the SilverKris lounge this very morning. AndYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsomething was strange, I caught here quite a few times looking back at me giving me the smile. And it was the “Hello handsome” smile. For sure nothing I'm used to.

I was in my seat watching the end of the movie I had started on the Copenhagen to Bangkok flight. When I finished the movie I started a new movie, The magnificent 7 and that is the title of one of the best tunes The Clash have ever made. And it was something as unusual as a good Wild West movie. At least the first 45 minutes.
Lucky Luke

Click on the PLAY button to get the right “Wild West” feeling
  Remeber! It has to be on full blast  

It was a nice flight even though it was a bumpy flight. It was cloudy all the way to Singapore and when we turned over Indonesia to approach Changi International I could see a ship that was standing on the beach. We landed 10 minutes later and now I have to go to Terminal 2 for my flight to Bali. Boarding at 15:55 so there is plenty time to kill.

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ973 to Singapore
The plane is ready to take on board the passengers

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ973 to Singapore
Boarding the plane

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ973 to Singapore
Taxi out to a rainy runway

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ973 to Singapore
Taxi out to a rainy runway

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ973 to Singapore
Approaching Changi International

Disembark and I could see that the girl in front of me was hanging back to let me catch up so I walked up to her and I said Hi! We walked together to the security and we split up, but she was soon by my side again and I took more interest. I had seen her asking for Singapore immigration papers on board the flight coming here.

But she was going to Amsterdam and she had 10 hours to kill. She asked where I was going and I told her that I was going to Bali from terminal 2 and I needed to take the train

I told her that I would spend the time in the lounge drinking a Diet Pepsi. She told me that she had heard me asking for Pepsi on the flight.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stNot only is she looking at me smiling,Changi International Airportshe also have one of her ears in the seat next to mine.

I told her that I had been asking for Diet Pepsi a long time back, but they didn't want to bother arrange a few Diet Pepsi for me.

This service is on par with the service on Thai Airways so why are Singapore Airlines drumming the big drum about their good service.
Yet another Smiley on

Not better than any other full price airline I have been flying with. ButSingapore Airline have done a good job drumming the drum about their good service on board.

We remember in Australia on the night safari, some people had come to Australia with Lufthansa, Qantas etc. I told them that I had come with Singapore Airlines.
- OOHH!!! LUXURY!!!!
- No, it is exactly the same seats, food, movies and service as the airlines you came with!

Anyway, my new friend had to kill 10 hours here waiting for her flight so I suggested a city tour. I told her that they usually had this service on theChangi International Airport - SilverKris Loungebig airports. So we went to look for a desk offering city tours when we got off the train at terminal 2.
Changi International Airport - SilverKris Lounge

We found the city tour desk and I even think the tour was free. Departure at 17 hundred something and as she wanted to spend the time chatting with me we went to look for the SilverKris lounge. Not easy to find anything on Changi International. Other airports have directions to the lounges as soon as you step in to the departure hall.

We had to ask for directions 2 times. The escalators was out of order so we had to take an elevator and we ended up in the back of the airport, not very impressive. I grabbed 2 cans ofChangi International Airport - SilverKris LoungeDiet Pepsi and we went to a table where we spent the time talking about her upcoming trip to Amsterdam.

I gave her a few pointers about Europe and I suggested that she should spend a day in Paris, just a little more than 3 hours from Amsterdam with train.

I also suggested a day in Berlin, Check Point Charlie, Kurfürstendamm (colloquially Ku'damm) one of the most famous avenues in Berlin and Brandenburger Tor. 7 hours with train from Amsterdam. She asked about VISA and I told her that she didn't need a VISA in EU if you're in Amsterdam.

She had a USA passport so it would not be any problem with a VISA. Time turned quickly and it was soon time for me to go to gate E3 and flight SQ 946 to Bali.

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ 946 to Bali
Approaching Bali

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ 946 to Bali
Approaching Bali

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ 946 to Bali
Approaching Bali

Suvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ 946 to Bali
Time to get off the plane in Bali

I started a boring movie when we left Singapore and I was half asleep. But time turned quickly and we were soon approaching Bali. Immigration was pretty quick to pass. And that was even though I had to handover my phone to the immigration officer. I had taken a picture and this wasSuvarnabhumi International - Singapore Airlines flight SQ 946 to Balinot allowed. So he was sitting there going through my pictures. Jeez, isn't thereYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stanything more important for him to do?

Custom, there was a long queue and we had to hand over our declaration forms. I came out in the arrival hall and I spotted my driver with a sign saying Aladdin. Fianlly, arrived and soon in my hotel room.

Bangkok to Bali, step by step with Line

Line Friends

We stopped at a mini mart to look for Diet Pepsi, nothing and we were soon on our way to the hotel. We made another stop to try our luck with the Diet Pepsi, nothing and next stop was the hotel. The hotel turned out to be a guest house. But the room was OK.

I went across the street to eat at a place and the food was OK. They have breakfast at the guest house so no need to go to the restaurant tomorrow. They will come to pick me up at 7 thirty to go snorkelling. Will I find anything? Well, easy to follow the Bali adventure DAY BY DAY below:

11 Jan: Snorkelling Nusa Penida - Canged to Padang Bai

12 Jan: Snorkelling Tulamben - Transfer to Menjangan

13 Jan: Bird watching in Menjangan

14 Jan: Bird watching in Menjangan

15 Jan: Transfer back to Sanur

16 Jan: Snorkelling Padang Bai - Changed to Nusa Penida

17 Jan: Snorkelling Amed

18 Jan: Flying back to Bangkok

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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